[A commercial for "Ronald McDonald's House of Blues" goes off the air and the screen goes black. It is replaced after a few seconds by a warning screen.]

"The following program contains scenes of violence, coarse language, sexual scenes, offensive images, racial stereotypes, mature delicacies, drug use, anarchistic behavior, at least one thinly veiled reference to homosexuality (see if you can spot it!), and large unruly men in tight spandex. Viewer discretion is strongly advised."

"No, we mean it. These guys are seriously messed up in the head. It's not their fault. They all come from broken homes... especially Eric."

[The warning fades, and is replaced by a shot of Ken Holbrook's office. Ken is sitting at his desk, still wearing that red neckbrace, along with his favorite purple suit. He is spinning his silver Jester-headed cane patiently. To his left, Cid is leaning against the back wall of the office, trying to look official.]

Holbrook: Good evening. I'm LWA President, Ken Holbrook, and with me is the OWF President, Cid. Before we get started with Friday Night Blackened, I want to congratulate Brian Thorn on his success in Jester's Pyramid. It was an amazing spectacle, to be sure. But, that's not why I'm here. I'm here to sort out just one thing. Over the last few weeks, people have been asking me a lot of questions. But, the most common question has to be, "Who is Curtis Slamm?"

[Ken looks up at Cid, who nods in agreement.]

Holbrook: Well, instead of answering that question personally, I asked the boys in the back to put together a little promotional package.... sort of a history lesson that will answer that question, "Who is Curtis Slamm?" But before I show it, I want a couple of people to pay particularly close attention to this video. Lee Todd... Craig Lassiter wanted you to be his "franchise." Well Lee, you weren't the first. Curtis Slamm was. And Gabriel Blade...

[Holbrook pauses as an annoyed look appears on his face at the very name of Blade.]

Holbrook: Gabriel Blade, you pattern yourself after the original Sentinel? Well, you better take a close look at this video as well. I know what went on when Curtis Slamm was here before. I know, because I was there. What goes around comes around. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And any number of other cliched statements as such. Enjoy.

[The arena goes dark and the spotlight hits on the curtains on the rampway... out walks a long tall blonde in short tight mini skirt, she looks like a beauty pagent contest. She walks out with a smile and waves both ways to the crowd as she walks down the aisle. Of course the LWA fans, the ravage dogs they are, are hooting and hollering. She enters the ring and Lockheart opens the ropes for her to enter, he has nearly drolled all over himself...she sweetly asks for the mic.]

Woman: Ladies and Gentleman, prepare to be dazzled, here he is the greatest thing since you idiots were born...the one, the only...the man who put the S-L-A-M, in Slam......FPWI's Wrestler Of The Month, the man who put WWW on the map........and now is here in the LWA to grace you with his royal presence.....

Gallivan: Sounds more like Royal pain in the ass to me!

Woman: Curtis....SLAMM!!!!!!

Jim: Holy cow! I can't believe it! Look who's headed towards the ring!

Gallivan: Who is it?

Jim: You call yourself a journalist? That's Curtis Slamm! The FPWI just did a big article on him. He was their "Wrestler of the Month"!

Gallivan: What the hell is he doing here?

Jim: Good question.

[Opening to "Celebrity Skin by Hole...."Oh make me over....I'm all I want to be...A walking study...in demonology"]

Gallivan: I don't believe it is the crowd singing along and they don't even like this guy.

Jim: Hey at least they recognize genius, unlike some people.

Gallivan: Hey don't get me wrong, if it's true, if Curtis Slamm really is here and in the LWA then my god it would almost be like Hogan jumping the WWF to WCW.

[Slamm walks onto the rampway in his armani suit and holding a title belt. He looks at the crowd who go nuts with boos and cheers, it's really quite an astonshing mixed reaction, he struts down to the ring, the woman stands in the ring bow legged and blushing, she is reacting to seeing the man that close like the crowd reacted to seeing her, she is in absolute ahh!! Slamm enters the ring.]

Gallivan: How did Bad News pull this coup off?

Jim: I don't know but isn't he the greatest owner ever? Genius, pure genius.

Slamm: (grabbing the mic and letting the crowd continue their loud assault, of course the a-hole chant is present at this time but Curtis smiles as he hears it) That's right keep showing your IQ, you know if you weren't so brainless and listened up for a moment you morons might actually learn something here tonight. I am here to speak about loyality, honor, trust, and the greatest thing since wrestling was invented, ME!!!! (chanting begins) SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!!!

[Curtis gives the belt to his lovely confidant standing there by his side, he reaches over and threatens to slap Lockheart who backs away, Slamm begins to take off his suit coat, then unbutton his shirt and loosen his tie. Now he exposes underneath a t-shirt with a logo on it. The T-shirt has been video scrambled to distort its image.]

Jim: Do you see what's on his T-shirt?

Gallivan: Do I ever. I wonder what Bad News would have to say about that. Waitaminute, he just ripped it off! And now, he's pulled out a lighter. He sets the shirt on fire, in the middle of the ring!

Slamm: (taking back his belt and holding in one hand, the mic in the other) Now this is a symbol of things past, I have opportunities here in the LWA, that the likes of many of you can't begin to possibly comprehend, I have also got responsibilities. When a good friend of mine called me up and said, Curtis how about it, you come to the LWA, you kick some ass, we kick some ass together and then we go out have a few drinks, a few laughs, it will be like old times sake. Well seeing how my days have been pretty much numbered, how I finally captured World title, which of course I am all extremely grateful for to the party which will remain nameless. I decided I am not doing this for you, all you fans can stick it! Where were you all those years of struggle of me coming up into this business? Nowhere! Where were you when I needed someone to celebrate my truimphant with, no where! No you said it was a fluke, it was due to help, that i was handed the belt, well all of you just don't know. That's all right and to the thirty or so unlucky victims in the back who time and time again will find their shoulders pinned to the mat with an astounding one, two, three... I say to you, take me on but get ready for lessons of your life. Curtis Slamm is not here to win gold, although I could in a heartbeat, we all know that paper champion Sentinel couldn't beat Curtis Slamm if he brought a sledgehammer and a couple hundred Army rangers down to ringside. I digress, I am not here to show any of you up, guys like Lone Gunman Ken Burke, who have earned their respect here, earned the fans trust and love...well Mr. Burke just remember, I was selling out Madison Square Garden with nothing but "I love Curtis" signs all over the building before you even had your paper route. We won't mention guys like Pimp Daddy Plug whom without Curtis Slamm his gimmick would not sell because all we would have in arenas across the country is lazy, fat inbred, beer guzzling, Nascar watching 30 year old cyber geeks in the auidence. I made wrestling fashionable, i made it socially acceptable. Hey I give credit where credit is due, Pug who sure know how to jig but when it comes to meeting Curtis Slamm in the ring, I teach you how to jive. Now as you can tell Curtis already is holding gold here in the LWA, it is a World Heavyweight Title Belt, the real World Heavyweight Title Belt, not the one Unknown bought from K-mart to try and pass off as his own. No, this is solid gold, this is real as real gets but alas I must admit I am merely champion for but a moment because this belt belongs to someone, the reason and ONLY Reason Curtis Slamm would even be in this fed to begin with... The man who made LWA Wrestling what it is, the ones you all should worship. Seeing how all of you morons back there work for minium wage and seeing how I have all this wealth to share I felt I needed to thank this man for allowing me to be in this fed.. So Bad News this is a gift from me to you (Curtis lays it on the mat) Come get your belt Champ!

Gallivan: Holy crap! Curtis Slamm just opened up the floodgates, and all hell poured out. And here comes our president!

[Bad News steps through the entrance curtain. He is wearing jeans and a plain T-shirt, and carrying two beers. He smiles as he walks towards the ring.]

Jim: I don't trust him.

Gallivan: Who?

Jim: Slamm. I think he's gonna clock Bad News.

Gallivan: Bad News climbs into the ring, and throws a beer to Curtis Slamm. They both open the beers, and bang the cans together. Slamm hands the belt over to Bad News, who hoists it over his shoulder. I can't believe it! Curtis Slamm is in the LWA!

Jim: And what an entrance.


Gallivan: Well, it looks like our illustrious president is on his way to the ring. Let's hear what he's got to say.

Bad News: Devon Campbell is not here tonight. (the fans start to boo even louder) Through some strange clerical mishap, Devon was flown to the West Coast of Canada, instead of the East Coast. I don't know how it happened, but he won't be here to take on the LWA Franchise, Curtis Slamm.

Gallivan: What! The fans were really looking forward to that match.

Jim: So was I, but as the Prez said, it was a clerical mishap.

Gallivan: Yeah, I bet.

Bad News: But, you great Canadian fans will not be disappointed. No, we aren't going to get Burton Cummings to sing the national anthem. I've come up with an opponent to replace Devon Campbell. It wasn't easy, but I did it. I think everyone will be pleased with his replacement.

Gallivan: I guess we will have to wait to find out who it is.


Lockheart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Coming to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds... from Burbank, CA... "The Franchise" Curtis Slamm!

[Slamm steps through the entrance curtain as "Celebrity Skin" begins to blast throughout the stadium. On each of his arms, Slamm is sporting a gorgeous woman. Both decked out in sparkling evening gowns. Slamm and his "ladies" head to the ring. The fans are booing Slamm.]

Jim: We aren't going to get raided here tonight, are we?

Gallivan: That will be enough of that, Jim.

Lockheart: (reading from a sheet of paper) And his opponent, a true legend in the sport of wrestling. This man has spent his entire life, perfecting the art of professional wrestling. A luchadore, a high-flyer, and a master of the mat techniques that have propelled him to so many titles around the world.

Jim: Wow, what an introduction. This guy must be new.

Lockheart: He comes to us from the "Dark Continent"... the 170 pound dynamo... ladies and gentlemen, it is my extreme pleasure to introduce to you... The Native!!!

[The fans erupt into laughter and cheers.]

Gallivan: What!?! The Native?

Jim: I wasn't aware that the Native won titles all over the world.

Gallivan: There's a good reason for that. I can't believe what Bad News is doing. Not only did he intentionally keep Devon Campbell from coming to the arena, but now he's putting the Native up against Curtis Slamm.

Jim: Hey, that's conjecture.

Gallivan: (staring at Jim) Conjecture?

Jim: Yeah, don't forget, I spend most of my spare time in divorce court. I know conjecture when I hear it. Just think of it, Gallivan. One of these men will face the Sentinel for the LWA World Heavyweight Title. What a main event.


Gallivan: What the hell is he doing here? Bad News just charged towards the ring, and rolled under the bottom rope. He picks up the lifeless Native... fisherman buster by Bad News!! What a move! The Prez rolls out of the ring.

Bad News: (as he is leaving, to the camera) That's the "Franchise", baby. Curtis Slamm, next world champ!

Gallivan: The Prez is leaving, and no one saw him. Julio finally manages to hold back PDP, with the help of LWA security. Curtis Slamm climbs back into the ring. Julio follows him.

Jim: I don't think the Native will be putting up much of an offense after that.

Gallivan: Just what was the point of that, anyway? Slamm was in complete control of that match. I think the Prez is coddling Slamm. I mean, he... (hesitating) ...allegedly, rerouted Devon Campbell's flight so that he didn't show up for his match.

Jim: That's better.

Gallivan: And now, he helps Slamm win a match that he would have undoubtedly won by himself. Now, Slamm makes an arrogant cover on the Native. Julio makes the count...1...2...3! Curtis Slamm has won his debut match here in the LWA.


*** Sentinel VS "BTJ" Gary Frat ***

Gallivan: Now, Sentinel picks up the challenger again... tombstone piledriver by Sentinel! Gary Frat is completely out of it, and I think this world title match is just about over. Now, Sentinel hooks Frat for an inverted suplex. It looks like "Judgement Day" for Gary Frat!

Jim: How fitting.

Gallivan: Sentinel hoists him up... waitaminute! Ken Holbrook has called for the bell! What the hell is going on here!?! Sentinel drops Gary Frat to the canvas, and stares at Holbrook in a confused way. Now, the ref has the world title!

Jim: And here comes Ragnarok!

Gallivan: We are still waiting for an official decision.

*** Sentinel wins via Submission ***

Gallivan: Apparently, Holbrook is saying that Gary Frat submitted.

Jim: He was unconscious, how could he submit?

Gallivan: This is a farce! Sentinel was about to finish this match, but Ken Holbrook ended the match. Now, Bad News, Jack Spade, the Shinobi's, and Curtis Slamm are surrounding the ring. Our beloved president has the mic.

Bad News: Sentinel. Your time is up. I'm tired of this long courtship. Either we are in bed, or not. Now, I'm not offering you this spot because we need you. I'm offering it, because I wanted to do you a favor. Ragnarok is the biggest party in the business, and I am offering you an invitation. But, I'm sick of waiting. What's your answer? Are you in, or not?

[Ken Holbrook grabs another mic from ringside, and hands it to the champ. Before he can speak, Curtis Slamm grabs the mic from Bad News.]

Slamm: Come on, Sentinel. What are you, a pussy? Make up your friggin' mind already!

[Bad News looks a little shocked, but recovers quickly. He takes the mic back from Slamm.]

Gallivan: Well, I guess we will finally find out. Will Ragnarok be getting a world champion? We are running out of time here, fans, so the champ better speak quickly. Waitaminute! One of the cameramen just slammed the camera into the back of Ken Holbrook's head! Holbrook goes down, in a heap!

Jim: Looks like Zeke has been hitting the wacky tobacky again.

Gallivan: No, its not Zeke. The cameraman pulls of his hat... its Daemon Krav! He's in the ring, and Bad News is freaking! Krav snaps the mic from the hands of Sentinel.

Krav: Sentinel, come rot with me!

[Then, Siege, Wendigo, and Da Nroh head towards the ring. Da Nroh commands Wendigo to attack Ragnarok, and Siege charges the Shinobi's)

Gallivan: Ohmygod! Its a full blown riot! Bad News, Jack Spade, and Curtis Slamm are attacking Wendigo, and the big man is holding all three men off! Seige is scrapping with the Shinobi's!

Jim: But, look at what's going on in the ring!

Gallivan: Krav and Sentinel are staring at each other! Will we see a preview of next week's match? LWA security is rushing to the ring, but they are having no success in breaking up this melee! Ragnarok VS The Brotherhood of Fallen Angels! The fans are going wild, and we are out of time! Join us next week, fans for Ragnarok. Its Good VS Evil, in an epic battle of untold proportions. Good night, everybody!


[At that point, "Whiteout" begins to blast throughout the arena.]

Jim: Here comes the Prez.

[Bad News steps through the entrance curtain, wearing his business suit. Jack Spade comes out right behind him. The two men head to ringside, ducking garbage along the way. They climb into the ring, and Bad News pulls out a mic from his jacket.]

Bad News: On a programming note, we will be having a slight change in one of our matches. Curtis Slamm was sanctioned to face the Wendigo. Now, Marcus Jabronie is doing a great job, but he's a little too zealous. I never ok'ed that match, so it doesn't stand. In its place, "The Franchise" Curtis Slamm will be facing one of the greatest wrestlers ever to lace up a pair of boots. One half of one of the highest ranked tag teams in the LWA, Shinobi I!

Gallivan: Oh my God. This is just pathetic. Now, he's putting Slamm up against his own men. Slamm is turning into the David Flair of the LWA.

Bad News: Now, if you people thought Wendigo/Slamm was going to be good. Wait until you see Shinobi/Slamm. I don't normally do this, but I am going to predict that this will be the greatest match in LWA history.

Gallivan: We just saw the LWA's greatest match. This will be a mockery.

Jim: Here comes Slamm. I guess he's going to do some last minute trash talking against the great Shinobi I.

Gallivan: (shaking his head) Not you too, Jim.


*** Curtis Slamm VS Scorpion ***

Gallivan: Slamm turns back to Scorpion, but catches a shoulderblock in the midsection! Now, Scorpion grabs Slamm... inverted atomic drop! Scorp picks up the Franchise, and whips him into the turnbuckle! Scorp charges in after him... but, Slamm got a foot up, into the face of Scorpion! Scorp staggers back to the center of the ring... running lariat by Curtis Slamm!

Jim: Pin him!

Gallivan: Slamm grabs Scorp by the foot... stepover toehold by Slamm!

Jim: That's novel.

Gallivan: Holbrook is checking to see if Scorpion submits, but he's holding on. It looks like Slamm is trying to wear down Scorp, before he finishes him off.

[Then, Ken Holbrook jumps to his feet, and calls for the bell. Slamm releases the hold, and stands up in disbelief.]

Gallivan: What the hell just happened?

*** Curtis Slamm wins via Submission ***

Jim: It looks like Curtis Slamm forced Scorpion to submit. What a great match.

Gallivan: Did you just watch the same match I did? There's no way that Scorpion submit. This is the same thing that happened to Sentinel a few weeks back, when Bad News and Holbrook were favoring him. Now, Slamm is arguing with Ken Holbrook again. Scorp is back to his feet, and he looks pretty pissed off as well.


[Just then, Curtis Slamm steps through the entrance curtain, and heads towards the ring. Bad News sees him, and rolls his eyes.]

Bad News: Where was I? Oh yeah, the LWA Canadian Championship.

[Slamm climbs into the ring, and stands in front of Bad News. Neither of them look very pleased.]

Bad News: Curtis, baby. We've got to stop meeting like this. (he hands him the mic)

Slamm: Bad News, you've helped to build my career in the LWA, and for that, I thank you. You've helped me sign big matches, and personal appearances, and for that, I'm greatful. But, I really think that you are underestimating me as a wrestler. When I signed those matches against Prime and CREED, I knew what I was doing. It won't be easy, but I can beat them both. And all I'm asking for, is the chance to wrestler them... fair and square. (he hands the mic back to Bad News)

Gallivan: Finally, Curtis Slamm speaks his mind.

Bad News: Alright, Curtis. All you had to do is ask. You'll wrestle these 2 matches, and if anyone from Ragnarok even comes to ringside, I'll fire their asses.

[Slamm and Bad News shake hands, and they leave for the backstage area.]


*** Curtis Slamm VS CREED ***

Gallivan: Slamm picks up CREED, and whips him into the corner! He charges in after him... but CREED got his foot up! Slamm ran right into that boot, and he's stunned! CREED charges him... running forearm to the back of the head by CREED!! "The Franchise" drops to the canvas! CREED grabs him by the feet... boston crab by CREED!

Jim: Nice move. But, here comes the Sentinel!

Gallivan: The Sentinel has let everyone know that he doesn't like Curtis Slamm. In fact, many people think it was Slamm who kept Sentinel from joining Ragnarok in the first place.

[Sentinel makes a motion to climb onto the ring apron, but Julio heads over to the ropes to warn him not to.]

Jim: Julio isn't going to let something like this happen.

Gallivan: I think its pretty apparent what Sentinel has in mind. Waitaminute!

[Then, Bad News leaps out of the crowd on the opposite side of the ring. He is carrying that bamboo cane.]

Jim: The prez is here!

[Bad News slides under the bottom rope, into the ring. He strides up behind Julio and blasts him across the back of the head with the cane.]

Gallivan: OHMYGOD! He just smashed that cane across Julio's head!

[The ref collapses, as CREED releases the boston crab. He turns to Bad News, and gets the bamboo cane wrapped around his head.]

Gallivan: Dear God! CREED drops to the mat. Bad News drags Slamm's body onto CREED... and drops to the mat to make the cover! 1..2..3! This is insane!!!

Jim: (laughing loudly) Hah! Bad News didn't need a special guest ref. He could make the count himself.

Gallivan: This is beyond foul. Now, Curtis Slamm is back on his feet, and Bad News holds his arm in the air.

Jim: I don't think Slamm realizes what happened yet.

[Then, Sentinel jumps onto the apron, and climbs into the ring. All in a matter of seconds, he smashes Curtis Slamm across the forehead with the steel chair, busting him wide open.]

Gallivan: Holy crap!

[Sentinel smiles at Bad News, then brings the chair up... Bad News drops to the canvas, and rolls out of the ring.]

Gallivan: What a coward! The chair bounces harmlessly off the ropes, as the Prez flees.


[Daemon Krav steps through the entrance curtain, wearing his Comedy/Tragedy mask. "Call of Cthullu" begins to roar, but the reaction from the fans is even louder. He slowly walks to the ring, alone.]

Gallivan: There he is. The man who everyone is talking about. You can't pick up a wrestling magazine in the country without seeing a writeup about Daemon Krav. Some people think Curtis Slamm is the "Franchise", but this man is the real "Franchise."

Jim: What is this? The Krav fanclub? Slamm is the "Franchise", and you better get used to it. Krav is a flash in the pan. He may burn brightly, but he won't burn for long.

Gallivan: (pauses) Did you write that yourself?

Jim: Shut up.


Gallivan: Anyway fans it was great having you here tonight and I guess for Jim "The Killer" Browski, I'm Johnny Gallivan saying so.....(transmission interrupted)

[The scene shows Curtis Slamm sitting in the front seat of his Bentley as Karen is taping him. He is all smiles.]

Slamm: And now it's time for everyone's favorite moment, In the car with Curtis Slamm. Thank you Johnny for that great lead in. As you fans already know I am still even though not allowed by management to be in the building tonight, the REAL Main Event! Yes in deed yours truly, Curtis Slamm has been working out and taking this time off to fine tune the greatest body , mind , and competitive spirit this LWA has ever known. Very soon, very soon you will see the God of Wrestling back in that ring at an arena near you. Where are we tonight Karen?

Karen: Worchester, Mass, champ.

[Karen pans down to reveal that Curtis Slamm is wearing the World Heavyweight Title around his waist.]

Slamm: Oh this, my World Title..it's just a little something I picked up. Oh yeah you all didn't see that did you. It was the LWA's way of saying thanks for all you have done to save our rinky dink fed. you made crowds of 2,000 turn into crowds of 40,000, packing arenas, you know, doing what real Champions do. Oh yeah, you want to know why The Sentinel has to wrestle a non title match tomorrow night, because he's lost his belt. He may not know it yet but you see I have new deal with the LWA one that the no good loser Bad News Brown didn't broker. its not full of empty promises and loser boss entitlements. Nope it's from the man himself, your NEW LWA President, that's right..MARK MARTIN. Now one Daemon Krav would have you believe he and his little ideas are responsible for this but Mark knows what a Charlatan Daemon really is.

Gallivan: What? Daemon isn't even alive? What is he talking about, Mark Martin, President? How?


Gallivan: Well, wrestling fans. It's time for our Battle Royal! Our top point-getters are starting to take shape, but its still anyone's game. This event should cut the list of possible Iron Men drastically. Take it away, Ryan Lockheart!

Lockheart: Before I announce the competitors for this matchup. I'd like to introduce our guest commentator for this event. Coming to the ring at this time, accompanied by Tori St. James. From Burbank, CA. Weighing in at 274 pounds. Curtis Slamm!!!

[Over the PA system Curtis echoes "Your God has arrived!!! Now bow you deviants!" Ride The Lighting rips it's riff and out comes Tori St. James and she holds up her hands, then she turns around and falls to one knee and out from behind her comes Slamm, in just his gear. From behind them as they pose comes a group of young ladies who carry little baskets and drop down rose pedals in front of Slamm as Tori and himself walk to the aisle. Once there all the girls move towards the announce table and get on their knees. Tori pulls out a chair for Slamm. As he takes his seat, the ladies bow.]

Gallivan: Curtis Slamm! What are you doing here?

Slamm: (adjusting his headset) Wait until I'm settled, Gallivan.

[Tori takes a seat next to Slamm, and puts on a headset of her own.]

Jim: That was some entrance, Mr. Slamm.

Slamm: Mr. Slamm. I like that, Jim.


*** Gabriel Blade and Shinobi II VS Johnny Reb and The Threat ***

Voice: Listen up, deviants! Bow down before a referee that you WILL respect. The one... the only... Curtis Slamm!!!

[Slamm steps through the entrance curtain wearing a striped referee shirt, and tosses his mic backstage. He takes a few steps, then grabs Gabriel Blade by the hair, and begins dragging him towards the ring.]

Gallivan: What the hell is this!?! It's one thing for Curtis Slamm to be a ref here, but he has no right to do this to the Sentinel! Ba: Reb sees what's happening, and he jumps off the apron, and begins walking towards Slamm.

[Reb meets Brandon, who veers away from him. Reb ignores him, and continues walking towards Slamm.]

Gallivan: Hang on! Brandon is behind Reb... and he drills him with a Running Kneelift to the back!!! Now, he grabs Reb... and rams his head into the steel guardrail!!! Ba: These two are supposed to be on the same team!

Gallivan: I guess Brandon figures that without a partner, Gabe won't be very hard to defeat. In fact, LWA security is now removing Shinobi II from the ring. It looks like Gabe will be out there all alone tonight.

[Curtis Slamm picks up Gabe, and just tosses him towards the ring. He stumbles end over end down the entrance ramp. On the way by Reb, Slamm stomps the downed big man in the head, then continues towards the ring, as if nothing happened.]

Gallivan: Fans, I honestly don't know how we are going to have any semblence of a real match here tonight. Curtis Slamm is in the ring, and he's got a mic.


Gallivan: Gabe hooks a giant leg, and Curtis Slamm makes the count... 1... 2... KICKOUT!!! On the apron, Shane Brandon is now reaching out for the tag. I guess he realizes what he's done, and is trying to fix it. Gabe looks frustrated, but keeps moving. He rolls Reb over on his stomach... AND APPLIES A CRIPPLER CROSSFACE!!! Ba: He's targeted that injured shoulder of Reb, and the big man looks to be in incredible pain!

Gallivan: Slamm is asking Reb if he submits, but the big man is somehow holding on! Hang on, Shane Brandon is headed up to the top rope!!!

[Slamm looks up at Brandon, and just gives him the "thumbs-up."]

Gallivan: The Threat is barely within range to break up this submission move, and apparently Curtis Slamm is going to let him do it! Shane jumps off the top rope... DOUBLE-AXHANDLE ACROSS THE BACK OF GABE'S HEAD!!! Ba: That double-axhandle shattered the cast on Shane Brandon's hand, and Gabriel Blade isn't moving!

Gallivan: Brandon flops Gabe onto his back, and pulls Reb onto him. And now, he's heading back to the ring apron! Curtis Slamm just shrugs... and makes the count... 1... 2... 3!!! Ba: This is a travesty!

*** Shane Brandon & Johnny Reb win via Pinfall ***


[Johnny Gallivan and Babe stand up, as Shane Brandon tosses Gabe onto the announce table.]

Gallivan: Dear God! He's not going to piledrive him through our table, is he!? Curtis Slamm is now at ringside, keeping our security at bay with a steel chair! If there's anybody in the back who can help, get out here!!! Brandon has a sick look on his face, as he climbs onto the table, and drags Gabe to his feet! He's cinching him up for the piledriver... HANG ON!!!

[Out of nowhere, Kevin Burke leaps out of the crowd, still wearing his Shinobi outfit. He jumps onto the steel guardrail, balances there for a second, then leaps off, catching Shane Brandon in the throat with a Clothesline.]

Gallivan: ITS THE LONE GUNMAN!!! He nails Brandon, and both men hit the floor!!! And now, Scar, Nightwing, The Native, and the Longshoreman are headed towards the ring!!!


[The Syni-tron fades to black as the haunting sounds of "Jeremiah Weed" by Gary Jules begin to play. The music fades plays up as slow motion clips of Curtis Slamm walking to the ring, and wrestling are shown. Over it, barely audible, audio from several news reports is played.]

"If this was another town, another city you'd said to yourself how could this happen, a well known figure, an outstanding member of the community, someone whom had a lot of fans, and all I can say is this is Los Angeles and it's nothing new to me."

poor jeremiah, his body is broken

lying in the alley where he fell

his head is racing home to the heel of california

poor jeremiah weed

"In all my years I had seen nothing like it. I've been on murder cases where the victims had pieces of their bodies ripped unnaturally from their person, or certain internal organs had been cut out and stuffed in their mouths. Yet, when they peeled that woman off the dash of the passenger seat, half her brain was smeared all over the dashboard and pieces of the front windshield were embedded deep into her forehead, I bent down and spontaneously threw up. When I did I picked up her arm which severed at the shoulder blade and fell onto the pile of dust that used to be a cement headstone. An image I'll never forget."

he's got his friends, he's got his devices

he got no need for you

no need for sympathy, no need for surprises

poor jeremiah weed

"As near as we can tell the driver hit the curb at an excess of nearly 100 mph, slammed into the top portion of the small brick side wall and bending the iron bars that top of the wall and then slamming down onto a headstone front end first. The woman had been trying to jump out of the car, having just opened her door when the driver hit the gas pedal and crashed. The door swung back upon impact, crushing the woman's arm and of course the other impact smashed the rest of her."

well I know when it comes too close

the pain he laid down everything

and I hope jeremiah knows

that's the way it goes

the sun will find no shade upon your own

"The driver managed to turn just enough to minimize the impact on his side and also had his seatbelt on and the airbag came up to brace his impact. The car was a good two feet dug into the ground when I arrived, the kind of divot that a falling boulder would make. It also helped the driver that he was two times over the legal limit when I tested him upon arriving. That relaxed state saved his life."

poor jeremiah, seven pockets stuffed with empties

people walking everywhere

no one says a word

he tried killing time, but it won't sit still

poor jeremiah weed

"You make those choices as a cop, let's not read more into and stir up another LAPD Controversy with it. Those two were junkies looking to get their fix, you see 20 of them in a day. I don't watch TV, I didn't know who they were and even if I did, I along with 7 other cops, one of which was so deep undercover that one little bust would have blown what we had been working on for nearly 4 years. Now seeing this and what has happened, I breakdown everyday thinking what if we had busted them? Could we have prevented tragedy? Something I live with now and will never know, no one knows how hard that is, no one."

well I know when it comes too close

the pain he laid down never fades

and I hope jeremiah knows

that's the way it goes

the sun will find no shade upon your own

"He is the man I love, his choices are my choices and though we will miss the fans who have loved us all these years we can't do this anymore, you have to accept things for what they are and when you can't beat them anymore you have to join them."

poor jeremiah, all hail the holy roller

a winner in the city

make you think you're in hell

it's hard to believe it, he was laughing at you

poor jeremiah weed

"Her husband wishes he could join her, several times he has tried but he remains to live out the pain of a sentence that means less than the crime he actually committed. Tomorrow he'll walk up in Pentonville State Prison more alone than even a normal day in a cell could provide, with no one to blame but himself. A tragic end to story that seen through the eyes of many had been chances to be prevented."

poor jeremiah

poor jeremiah

poor jeremiah weed

poor jeremiah

poor jeremiah

poor jeremiah weed

[The Syni-tron freezes on the smiling image of Slamm and Tori. The camera cuts to a wide shot of the ring where all of the wrestlers competing in the Iron Man Competition, with the exception of Curtis Slamm, are standing. Some are dressed to wrestle, others are still in their street clothes. They all stand quietly as the UWS timekeeper initiates a 10 bell salute. Even the usually noisy UWS fans are respectful. As the tenth bell rings, the show cuts back to the opening credits.]

[The logo for the Underworld Wrestling Syndicate's Friday Night Blackened appears on the screen, accompanied by a cover version of "Blackened", originally by Metallica. The logo is replaced by a selection of clips from the previous show. The photo finish of the OWF Title match is shown, which quickly cuts to a shot of Edmund Paine raising the OWF Title over his head. This is followed by clips from Jester's Pyramid. Tumbler is shown nailing Michael Burke with a melon from above. Uesugi is shown leaping onto a ladder from the top rope, and crushing Paco underneath. Sin is shown hitting Seun with a Mafia Kick outside the cage. Dr. Karate is shown getting hit with a Spinebuster from Stu-E Price. Kurt Tremere and Michael Burke are shown trading punches in the middle of the cage. A pair of shots show Shane Brandon pulling off his Shinobi mask, as well as Craig Lassiter ripping off his own Shinobi mask. Brandon is shown hitting Gabriel Blade with a German Suplex off one of the ladders, and Craig Lassiter is shown planting Uesugi with the Toad-driver on the steel floor. Gabriel Blade is shown Gorilla Pressing Tumbler into the top of one of the cages. The last clip is a slow motion shot of Brian Thorn hitting Gabriel Blade with the Double Take off the top of the Pyramid.]

[Then, the show cuts back live to the arena. The cameras are backstage, just outside Curtis Slamm's dressing room. The door opens, and out walks a blonde bimbo who is adjusting her clothing as if she just put it back on. Slamm comes out after she leaves with a towel around his waist and is all smiles.]

Slamm: Yeah it's good to be out... and single again.

[Slamm's phone rings. He hears it and runs back into his dresing room and slams the door.]

[The show cuts to the inside of a much larger arena than the one in Maine. The camera pans across the cheering fans, then cuts to the announce table.]

Gallivan: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Johnny Gallivan, and welcome Friday Night Blackened! We are live in Quebec City, hot off the heels of the 40 feet of hardcore intensity that was Jester's Pyramid. Joining me, as always, is Jim "The Killer" Browski.

Jim: That cage was my kind of match. Tons of blood, weapons galore, and 16 men with a will to win.

Gallivan: Fans, I don't know what to say about the direction of this show so far. We saw the very touching tribute to Curtis Slamm and the late Tori St. James. Then, to see Slamm acting like that backstage... well, it's sickening.

Jim: Well, I'm not about to defend Slamm here, but once again you are blowing this out of proportion. Let's just talk about the Iron Man.

Gallivan: Ok. Fans, we saw it all at the last Blackened. Tonight, we pass the halfway point in the Iron Man Competition and it's been incredibly competitive thus far. Gabriel Blade is still on top, but there are a ton of competitors nipping at his heels. How fitting that tonight, Valentine's Day, sixteen wrestlers will have put aside any differences they may have and work together with a partner for their shot at becoming the 2003 Iron Man. There are definitely some volitile teams in this Teamwork Event, so tonight should be wild, to say the least. Before we get started, I've been told that we've got a special guest.

Jim: Is it Curtis Slamm?

Gallivan: I don't know. They didn't tell me.

Jim: I bet it's Slamm.

[Suddenly, "Conquistador" by Procol Harem starts to play and Sean Lassiter wheels himself through the entrance curtain in a wheelchair.]

Gallivan: It's Sean Lassiter! Listen to this crowd! It's great to see Sean back after that terrible accident.

Jim: And he's back fast! Man, when you're young, your body just works that much better.

[Sean is wearing white track pants an a white zip-up jacket with red stripes up the sleeves. He is wearing a white, padded neckbrace as well. The Syni-tron lights up to show a clip from an earlier show.]

[The show cuts backstage, where Zeke is interviewing Sean Lassiter.]

Zeke: Sean, after the beating you took two weeks ago, how are you doing?

Sean: Well Zeke, I knew this business would be tough, so I take my lumps when I'm given them. Dagon may have left me lying in that ring, but he made the mistake of not finishing the job. So, big man, I'm calling you out! I may be half the size of you, and I may still be a rookie, but I'm also a Lassiter! And I'm not about to go down without a fight.

[Sean Lassiter stares into the camera, showing much more emotion than ever before. Then, there is a loud bellow from off-camera, and a figure charges into shot.]

Gallivan: It's Judas Dagon!!! Dagon just Mafia Kicked Sean Lassiter! Where the hell did he come from?

Jim: A guy that size you should at least see coming. He damn near decapitated Sean with that kick. I don't think we'll be seeing Sean VS Dagon II. Sean couldn't do anything against him when he was teamed up with Ken Holbrook. He's got even less of a chance on his own after being sucker-kicked.

Gallivan: Zeke has wisely given this beast as much room as he needs. Dagon reaches down and drags the limp Sean to his feet. He hoists him up for a Gorilla Press!!! NO!!!

[Instead of pressing Sean to the floor, Dagon throws him, headfirst, into a nearby wall. Sean's goes clean through the wall material, as far as his chest. His body collapses as a huge section of the wall breaks free, dropping him to the floor.]

Gallivan: DEAR GOD!!!

Jim: He threw him like a dart!

Gallivan: Get some security back there, for heaven's sake! Sean Lassiter is lying in a heap amidst what's left of that wall. From here, it looks like he's got some serious cuts to his neck and shoulders, and he's completely out.

[The Syni-tron goes dead and the fans give Sean a decent reaction.]

Gallivan: That was November 8, just our second UWS show. Sean wheels up to the ring, and I guess the ring attendants are going to help him in. Waitaminute! He's standing up!

[The crowd cheers even more as Sean stands up, and carefully walks up the steps and climbs into the ring. A ring attendant quickly hands him a microphone.]

Jim: Wow, I guess he's recovered faster than I thought.

Gallivan: Well, Sean Lassiter suffered a broken neck, and had to undergo surgery to repair damage to his vertebrae from that injury. Now, just 3 months later, he's back.

[Sean looks out over the cheering fans, and smiles.]

Sean: Thank you, thank you.

[The crowd begins to quiet down. Sean walks around the ring slowly, but still with a smile on his face.]

Sean: To be honest, this wasn't my idea, it was my dad's. I wanted to wait until I was 100% and just show up ready to wrestle. See, I've never been much on the microphone, as you can tell. But, Johnny Lassiter isn't just my dad, he's also my boss, so what he says goes. (he looks up at the now dead Syni-tron) It's difficult for me to watch that footage, and when it happened, I got really scared. I've never been that scared before in my life. I thought my life would change forever and that my wrestling career would be over before it even started. I thought about all the things I wanted to do in this business... wrestling in a main event... going 60 minutes against the toughest of the tough... and strapping a world title around my waist. But through it all, even when I thought the worst, I knew I could handle it because my father was there with me. As many of you know, my father Johnny Lassiter was a professional wrestler before a car accident ended his career and confined him to a wheelchair. I've grown up watching him work his butt off becoming a successful businessman, and never once have I heard him complain about being handicapped. He was my rock that kept me from losing my head when I thought that I might never walk again.

[The crowd gives a polite round of applause as Sean continues to walk around the ring.]

Gallivan: Wow, praise for Johnny Lassiter. You don't hear that every day.

Jim: Hehehe. He said butt.

Sean: But I wasn't just blessed with one role-model, I had two. After the surgery, I was told that as long as I worked hard, the permanent effects of the accident would be minimal. I looked to my uncle, Craig Lassiter, as my inspiration for pushing myself mentally and physically to my absolute limits. I've always wanted to be a professional wrestler, and Craig's determination and will-to-win has always guided me down the road towards my dreams. I was sitting at home two weeks ago, watching Blackened when I saw my uncle step back into that wrestling ring, and I never felt prouder. It's because of these two men that I stand before you right now. I've still got a way to go, but I'm expecting to be medically cleared to wrestle any day now. So, for my two role-models, and for all you people at home, I'll be working MY butt off to get back to 100% so that I can get back to doing what I love... wrestling. (he raises an arm to the fans) Thank you again!

[Sean Lassiter carefully climbs out of the ring, and grabs the wheelchair. He decides to push it instead of riding in it, and heads backstage.]

Gallivan: What a way to start the Valentine's show, hey Jim?

Jim: Well, that certainly sets a tone, doesn't it? If this was FHW, Sean Lassiter would be a greasespot on that canvas right about now.

Gallivan: Well, I think I speak for everyone in the UWS when I wish Sean Lassiter our best wishes for a speedy recovery and return to the ring. Indeed, to all of the UWS wrestlers who are currently out of action.

Jim: We'd name them all, but the show is only 2 hours long.

Gallivan: Well, it's time for our first Teamwork match. We saw the list of teams at the last show, and there were some real doozies. Lee Todd and Brian Thorn, Craig Lassiter and the Native, Gabriel Blade and Edumnd Paine, Sin and Tumbler, Michael Burke and Paco, Kurt Tremere and Shane Brandon...

Jim: The greatest team ever assembled!

Gallivan: God, I feel like I'm sitting next to Jesse Ventura and trying to talk about the Hollywood Blondes. We've also got Dr. Karate and Uesugi teaming again... and Stu Price and Curtis Slamm. There's been a lot of speculation on Slamm's motivations for entering the UWS, and maybe we'll find them out tonight.

Jim: Whatever they are, Stu-E's luck may have finally shifted. After losing the UWS Hardcore Title 5 times in Jester's Pyramid, and losing the OWF Division Title match, he's now teamed with one of the best.

Gallivan: Losing 6 titles in a single night... that's got to be a record, even for Stu-E. Well, let's get started!

Lockheart: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a tag team match which is part of the Iron Man Teamwork Event. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 633 lbs... PACO AND "DEMOLITION MAN" MICHAEL BURKE!!!

["What Comes Around" by Ill Nino begins to play as the giant Paco and the powerful Michael Burke step through the entrance curtain. They get a mixed reaction as they head to the ring.]

Lockheart: And their opponents. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 575 lbs... SIN AND TUMBLER!!!

["Come Out & Play" by the Offspring begins to play as the two step through the entrance curtain and start making their way to the ring. Sin is in the lead, walking quickly to the ring, but Tumbler is taking his time, berating a few of the fans along the way.]

Gallivan: Michael Burke has been primarily a tag team wrestler since he joined the UWS, but has recently dipped into the Hardcore division.

Jim: Yeah, but Tumbler took him to town.

Gallivan: I'm sure Burke wouldn't mind getting his hands on Tumbler one more time here tonight. But, Burke's a tag team specialist, so it will definitely help him out here tonight, despite the fact that he isn't teaming with his regular partner, Gabriel Blade.

*** Michael Burke and Paco VS Sin and Tumbler ***

Gallivan: This one should be a barn-burner.

Jim: Well, it sure beats what our opposition has on the other side... Great Mojo versus Sid Burn.

Gallivan: Jim! Is that a TV next to your chair?

Jim: Hey, I got to keep an eye on the opposition. Besides, they actually show some T&A, which we are sadly lacking.

Gallivan: Jim, we don't need gratuitous sex to boost our ratings.

Jim: No, but would it hurt?

Gallivan: Probably not. There's the bell, and DI Rogers is ready to handle the action inside the ring. With Craig Lassiter now becoming an active wrestler again, and Julio Suave having been fired, Rogers is the sole UWS referee right now, so he's definitely working a full shift.

Jim: Hey, don't we have Joe Generic kicking around somewhere.

Gallivan: I'm sure we do, if need be. Let's just hope we don't need him. Michael Burke is going to start off for his team, and it looks like Sin is going up against him. Tumbler is standing on the ring apron making faces at Burke.

Jim: Very professional.

Gallivan: Burke locks up with the big man... and Sin forces him up against the ropes. He breaks the lockup and nails Burke with a Forearm shot to the chest! And another! Michael Burke fires off a Left Jab into the head of Sin... and a Right Jab! He reaches out, and locks a Side Headlock onto Sin, but the big man lifts him off the canvas. He backs away from the ropes with Burke in his arms... BUT BURKE STARTS HAMMERING SIN IN THE HEAD!!! He's pounding away on the big man, who is losing his balance... SIN FALLS BACK AND BURKE LANDS ON HIM! Rogers drops down to make the count because this looks like a cover... 1... Kickout by Sin.

Jim: He threw him off.

Gallivan: Burke is back up and is ready when Sin gets back to his feet. He grabs the big man... and Irish Whips him hard into the corner! Paco reaches out and belts Sin in the back of the head! As Rogers heads over to give Paco a warning, Burke heads in after Sin, who comes out of the corner... BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX BY MICHAEL BURKE!!! He jumps to his feet, but Tumbler grabs the top rope and vaults himself into the ring... HITTING BURKE WITH A DROPKICK TO THE FACE! Burke hits the mat and Tumbler rolls out of the ring before Rogers turns around.

Jim: That's quickness for ya Gallivan.

Gallivan: And some surprising teamwork. Tumbler now jumps back onto the ring apron, and he's trying to rile up his partner. Sin is slow to get up. Burke is up as well, and swings at him... but Sin blocks it! Sin hits Burke with a Knee to the midsection... cinches him up... AND DROPS HIM WITH A HEART PUNCH!!! Across the ring, Paco tries to climb into the ring, but DI Rogers immediately charges over to block him. Sin bounds off the ropes... and hits Michael Burke with a Legdrop! He hooks the leg and Rogers is slow to get in position... 1... 2... Kickout! The big man is up and drags Michael Burke to his feet. He whips him off the ropes... TILT-A-WHIRL BACKBREAKER BY SIN! Tumbler is reaching out for the tag, but Sin is heading to the corner. He's climbing up onto the top rope!

Jim: Demolition Man is about to become Flat Man.

Gallivan: Sin jumps off the top before Burke can roll out of the way... DOUBLE GUT STOMP ON MICHAEL BURKE!!!

Jim: Damn! That's a huge man to be doing that.

Gallivan: Michael Burke has curled up in the center of the ring, and he looks to be in incredible pain. Sin looks down on him, then walks over and tags off to Tumbler! Tumbler leaps into the ring and immediately starts stomping on the downed Demolition Man!

Jim: Burke's in serious trouble in there.

Gallivan: Tell me about it. He'll be lucky if he hasn't gotten internal injuries already. And Tumbler is only getting started. He picks up Burke and hits him with a Savate Kick! This sends Burke up against the ropes. Tumbler steps in... and hits a Knife-edge Chop! And another!

Jim: Wheeeee!

Gallivan: Burke snaps off a Right Hand to the head of Tumbler, but the plucky cruiserweight thumbs him in the eye to stop him short! He boots Burke in the midsection and cinches him up... SNAP SUPLEX BY TUMBLER! Tumbler drapes himself across Burke in a rather haughty cover... 1... 2... Burke got a shoulder up! Tumbler jumps back to his feet and circles the downed Demolition Man, waiting for him to get up. Burke climbs to his feet, still holding his ribs... and Tumbler slaps him across the head! Burke takes a swing, but Tumbler bounces back out of ranges... AND FIRES OFF A DROPKICK TO THE KNEE THAT GROUNDS BURKE! Tumbler wastes no time as he heads up to the top rope of one of the neutral corners. Waitaminute! Paco runs across the ring apron and grabs Tumbler on top! He reaches up and grabs Tumbler by the throat... AND CHOKESLAMS HIM OFF THE TOP ROPE TO THE CANVAS!!!

Jim: He's not about to wait on the outside while his partner gets trounced.

Gallivan: Rogers immediately threatens to disqualify Paco, but he raises his arms in a plea of innocence while returning to his position in his corner. In the ring, both men are down and both Sin and Paco are reaching out for a tag! Tumbler isn't moving, but Michael Burke is crawling across the ring, albeit slowly. He makes one final lunge... and tags off to Paco! The big man steps over the top ropes just as Tumbler begins to head towards his corner! Paco charges in after him... AVALANCHING TUMBLER INTO HIS OWN CORNER! Tumbler hit the corner, slamming into Sin and knocking him off the apron to the floor! Now Paco cinches up Tumbler for a Back Suplex... but Tumbler flips out of it behind the big man! He dropkicks Paco in the back, sending him into the turnbuckle! Paco staggers out of the corner backwards... AND TUMBLER HITS HIM WITH A CHOP BLOCK TO THE KNEES! Paco drops to his knees and Tumbler leaps onto the ropes... SPRINGBOARD HIGH CROSS BODYBLOCK THAT SENDS PACO TO THE MAT! Rogers is there for the cover... 1... 2... Kickout by Paco! Tumbler scrambles back to his feet as Paco tries to stand. As he reaches his knees, Tumbler is right there! He grabs Paco by the head... DDT BY TUMBLER! The high-flyer doesn't even go for the cover! He pulls Paco into position and rolls him onto his back. Tumbler leaps onto the top rope in a single jump... TERRIBLE TUMBLE ON PACO!!!

Jim: Tumbler hit that somersault legdrop from the top, but Michael Burke isn't about to watch his partner get pinned.

Gallivan: Burke climbs through the ropes just as Sin returns to the ring apron. Sin climbs into the ring... AND HEADS FOR TUMBLER!

Jim: I guess he blames that collision in the corner on Tumbler.

Gallivan: Sin drops his head and charges at Tumbler... BUT HE LEAPFROGS OVER HIM... AND SIN SPEARS MICHEAL BURKE TO THE CANVAS!!!

Jim: That ain't what he intended, but it was effective.

Gallivan: In the confusion, Tumbler drops onto Paco, and hooks the big man's leg, and here's the count... 1... 2... 3! Just as Sin gets back to his feet, Tumbler has bailed out of the ring! He recovers his belts and he's sporting a grin from ear-to-ear as he packpedals out of the ring area!

*** Sin and Tumbler win via Pinfall ***

[Sin rolls out of the ring and begins following Tumbler. Ring attendants hit the ring to help Paco and Michael Burke backstage. The cameras cut to a closeup of the announce table.]

Gallivan: What a first match. Sin and Tumbler both pick up 10 points, and Michael Burke and Paco have to settle with 4 points.

Jim: Sin has been struggling in the Iron Man, but those 10 points just boosted Tumbler into the lead!

Gallivan: It's still very early yet. We've got 3 more tag matches. Next Blackened, of course, we have the Iron Man Rumble, the 16-man Battle Royal that will definitely be chaos.

[Suddenly, "And Justice For All" plays as Gabriel Blade steps onto the entrance ramp. Those observant of the human soul can easily see the wonder and awe still there in his eyes as he surveys the scene before turning to face the ring and marching resolutely forward. Gabe is sporting a black armband on one bicep.]

Gallivan: Fans, it appears as if Gabriel Blade is coming out here to say a few words. I was speaking to him backstage before the show, and he's wearing that armband in remembrance of Curt Hennig, who we all lost last weekend.

Jim: That was certainly a shock, and a huge loss to the world of wrestling.

Gallivan: The Sentinel's got a microphone, so let's hear what he's got to say.

Gabriel Blade: Listen up! I'm going to make this short and sweet. I've been coming out here night after night and trying to prove myself worthy of a title shot. The UK Crew refuses to give myself and Michael Burke a rematch for the UWS Tag Titles. We beat them before, so that's understandable. I've had to listen to Lee Todd tear me down over the past 2 weeks, and all I could do was wait. Well, I'm tired of waiting!

[The crowd gives him a cheer.]

Gabriel Blade: I beat 15 other competitors at Blackened to win Jester's Pyramid. I beat Kurt Tremere. I beat Edmund Paine. I beat Lee Todd.

Gallivan: The three singles title holders in the UWS.

Jim: Thank you, Mr. Duh.

Gabriel Blade: Well, after listening to Sean Lassiter talk here tonight about how he thought his career was over, I don't want to miss out on my chance to be LWA Champion if--heaven forbid--I get injured here tonight. So, I'm not waiting any longer. Lee Todd... I'm calling you out! I demand a title shot, right here, right now! It's been more than a month since you defended that LWA Division Title, and I think my time has finally arrived!

[The fans cheer their approval as Gabe tosses the microphone over the top rope to the floor. He paces around the ring, getting himself riled up as the fans continue to cheer.]

Gallivan: Gabriel Blade is calling out the LWA champ! He wants a title shot, and it looks like he's not leaving until he gets it.

Jim: Is Gabe a booker now? He's just talent, and he should learn his place.

Gallivan: Well, he does have a point. What does Gabe have to do to get an LWA Title shot? He's already considered the unofficial #1 contender. He beat Judas Dagon. He won Jester's Pyramid. He's leading the fed in the Iron Man Competition.

Jim: Technically, Tumbler is leading right now. But Lee Todd sells tickets, and Gabriel Blade doesn't.

Gallivan: Are you listening to these fans, Jim? Besides, selling tickets doesn't mean anything. The best man should be champion, regardless of how well he looks on a t-shirt.

Jim: Tell that to the One Man Gang.

[The fans cheers turn sour as the Syni-tron lights up, showing Ken Holbrook sitting at his desk in his office. Once again, Cid is standing behind him.]

Holbrook: Gabriel Blade... you'll forgive me if I don't come out there in person.

Gallivan: Holbrook's afraid to come out!

Jim: He's not afraid... he's just busy.

Gallivan: Yeah, busy picking out a shirt that goes with the yellow stripe down his back.

Holbrook: Mr. Blade. I've listened to your eloquent plea, and I am deeply touched. In fact, I agree with you 100 percent. You have been overlooked, Mr. Blade, and I think you should get a title shot at the earliest possible convenience.

Gallivan: I'm expecting a big but coming any second.

Jim: I like big butts.

Gallivan: Please Jim...

Jim: And I can not lie...

Gallivan: Stop it, right there. The UWS is a rap-free zone.

Jim: Fascist.

[Gabe stares at the Syni-tron, with a stoic look on his face. In his office, Ken Holbrook motions to Cid, who picks up a sheet of paper from Holbrook's desk.]

Holbrook: Unfortunately, Mr. Blade. OWF President Cid here has made a power move and bought out your contract from me.

[Cid beams a goofy smile at the camera. Holbrook sports a much more sinister version.]

Holbrook: Yes, Cid plays hardball, and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. So, after some serious reservations, I signed over your contract. That means, Mr. Blade, as much as I would love to give you an LWA Division Title shot... I can't. You are now an OWF contracted wrestler. And as such, your immediate goal should be the OWF Division Champion. I think you know him. In fact, I believe he's your tag team partner tonight... Edmund Paine!

[The crowd starts booing Holbrook and Gabe shows his disgust in the ring. He paces back and forth, before rolling out of the ring, and heading backstage. Ken Holbrook starts to laugh as the Syni-tron goes dead.]

Gallivan: I can't believe it! After fighting to get a piece of Lee Todd and Shane Brandon, Gabe has been shut out of the LWA Title hunt! This is dirty pool on the part of Ken Holbrook.

Jim: Hey, get your facts straight, Johnny. Cid made a power play. He stole Gabe out from under the LWA Prez.

Gallivan: Yeah, right. This is just another roadblock thrown down in front of Gabriel Blade... and I'm sickened by it. Hold on! I'm getting word that we are heading backstage again.

[The show cuts backstage where a camera is following Gabriel Blade down a hall. Gabe looks very determined as he strides towards Ken Holbrook's office. The voices of the announcers can be heard over the feed.]

Gallivan: Holbrook's in trouble now. He'd better have plenty of security guarding that office.

[Gabe reaches the door, which is clearly labelled and stops for a second. He takes a deep breath, then kicks the door clean off the hinges. The door crashes into the office, which is clearly seen by the advancing camera, to be empty. Gabe stands in the doorway with his hands on his hips.]

Gallivan: He's not there! Ken Holbrook is not only too much of a coward to come to the ring, but he's not even in his office!

Jim: Hell, he might not even be in the building!

Gallivan: Sooner or later, Gabriel Blade is going to get his hands on Holbrook and Cid, and when he does--

Jim: Who's that?

[There is a muffled shout, and a figure breaks into shot behind Gabriel Blade. The man, dressed in a black ninja outfit with the Roman numeral I on his back, hits Gabe with a Spin Kick to the back of the neck, sending him tumbling into the office.]

Jim: It's Shinobi I!

Gallivan: Yeah, right. The "Shinobi" has what looks to be a set of nunchuks in his hand! Gabe gets up and tries to spin around... BUT SHINOBI I BLASTS HIM ACROSS THE KNEE WITH THOSE NUNCHUKS! Gabe drops to one knee... AND SHINOBI I CRACKS HIM ACROSS THE HEAD WITH THEM! Now, Shinobi I starts pummeling Gabe with those wooden sticks! He's using them like a martial arts master, and Gabriel Blade just can't defend himself! Shinobi I is brutally assaulting Gabriel Blade! The Shinobi is focusing now on the knees of Gabriel Blade.

Jim: Looks like Holbrook has hired the Shinobis to protect his office.

Gallivan: You can't expect anyone to believe that, can you?

Jim: Why?

Gallivan: That's got to be Shane Brandon!

Jim: Brandon? Don't be rediculous!

Gallivan: Brandon dressed up in that Shinobi outfit at the last show. Who else could it be?

Jim: Well, by that logic, it could be Craig Lassiter.

Gallivan: Why would Craig Lassiter attack Gabriel Blade? That doesn't make any sense.

Jim: We saw the footage at the start of the show. Craig Lassiter... Leroy Brown... whatever name he goes by... he just can't be trusted. Anyway... maybe it really was Shinobi I. The Shinobis do still exist, you know.

Gallivan: Yes, but the majority of the time we see a Shinobi, it's not a Shinobi underneath the mask. Besides, this was a deliberate attempt to injure Gabriel Blade. And, the Shinobis always attack in pairs, never alone.

Jim: Who the hell are you, Lorne Green? Next thing I know, you'll be telling me the mating habits of the North American Julio Suave.

Gallivan: Shinobi I, whoever he is, has done his damage and is fleeing. Our medical team is en route to check on Gabe. I certainly hope his match isn't next.

Jim: Even if it isn't, I don't know what kind of shape he will be in when it does come time to wrestle.

[The camera cuts from that scene to show Sin stomping around in another backstage area. He kicks over a pile of crates, sending them crashing to the ground, then continues on his way.]

Jim: What the hell is he looking for now?

Gallivan: Who knows? Sin's a complex individual.

Jim: Yeah, complex in a simple kinda way.

[The show cuts back to ringside, where Ryan Lockheart is standing in the ring.]

Gallivan: Before this match, let's travel once again to the past of the LWA. March 27, 1999, and the second episode of LWA's Saturday Night Chaos. There, we saw Craig Lassiter and The Native team up for the first time.

[The Syni-tron lights up to show yet another clip from past LWA shows.]

Lockheart: The following match is our main event. It is a four-corners match to crown the first ever LWA World Tag Team champions. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 400 pounds... "Bad News" Leroy Brown and The Native!

Gallivan: These two are fighting already. Bad News is shouting instructions at Native all the way to the ring. I don't think the Native is even listening.

Jim: Its not like he would understand him anyway.


Gallivan: They lock up. Slater slaps on a headlock. Native twists out of it... Slater reverses... german suplex by Slater! Slater jumps back to his feet as the fans start to cheer. He waits on the Native... powerbomb by Slater.

Jim: Bad News is livid. He's shouting at his partner. Giving him instructions.

Gallivan: The Native doesn't even know where he is, Jim. Slater whips Native off the ropes... he spins him over with a stiff lariat! And Bad News is reaching out for a tag.

Jim: I guess he figures he could do better than his partner.

Gallivan: I guess so. Waitaminute! Bad News is reaching towards Jackie Slater! He's begging Slater to be tagged in. The fans seem to want it as well. Slater shrugs, and tags to Bad News. What the hell is going on?

Jim: Now Bad News and the Native are the legal men. I'm not sure that I understand this strategy.

Gallivan: That's because its stupid, Jim. Ohno, Bad News is pummelling the Native with lefts to the head! He cinches him up... piledriver by Bad News! The fans are booing Bad News to no end. What the hell is he thinking?

Jim: Alright, here comes the belt.

Gallivan: Bad News has ripped off his leather belt, and now he's strapping the Native across the back! This is brutal!

Jim: And you know what, Johnny? Bad News can't be DQ'ed because he's using the foreign object on his own partner! This is sweet.

Gallivan: I think its pretty sick, Jim. Bad News fires the belt out of the ring. He slaps on a front facelock... Bad Mojo by Bad News! He hit him with that brainbuster, and he's going for the cover! Bad News is pinning his own partner!

Jim: Correction, Bad News has pinned his partner. Bad News just eliminated himself from the match!

Gallivan: And, of course, that led to this match at the LWA's first ever pay-per-view, Fool's Gold. The Native versus "Bad News" Leroy Brown, in an African strap match.

Gallivan: The Native is just standing in the ring, looking at all the fans. Bad News has a disgusted look on his face. Ooh, Bad News runs at the Native and clotheslines him with that leather strap, knocking the Native over! Now, he's whipping the Native across the back, with the leather strap.

Jim: Hey, Bad News, you missed a rib. (snickers)

Gallivan: (points at the piece of paper in front of Jim) Bad News is really letting loose on the Native. This is just brutal!

Jim: (reading) And once that leather strap gets wet, it can cut like a knife. Look at the marks appearing on Native's back.

Gallivan: Now, Bad News is choking the Native with the strap! This is perfectly legal in a strap match, fans. This Boston crowd has really gotten behind the Native.


Gallivan: The Native isn't putting up a fight at all. The fans are really disappointed in his showing. Now Bad News picks him up... snap suplex on the Native! Bad News drops the knee squarely across the Native's forehead! And now, he's working on the legs... spinning toe-hold by Bad News!

Jim: Come on, Leroy. This match is over. Put the poor bugger out of his misery, once and for all.

Gallivan: Bad News drops a knee down on Native's leg. He drags Native into the center of the ring... leg grapevine by Bad News! You can't win this match by submission. Why is Bad News doing this?

Jim: He obviously wants to teach the Native a lesson. If this kid doesn't start picking up for himself, he will never make it in the world of wrestling.


Gallivan: Maybe. But stranger things have happened in the LWA. Bad News drops the strap... and pulls off his own belt! He coils the belt up around his fist, with that oversized buckle on the outside! This is equivalent to a pair of brass knuckles.

Jim: Is this legal?

Gallivan: I'm not sure. Bad News hoists the Native to his feet, and grabs him by the hair... he hauls off and punches the Native square in the forehead with the belt buckle! He hits him again! And again! And again! The Native has been busted open, and he can barely stand! He staggers out of the corner... dropkick by Bad News!

Jim: Ok, Leroy. Start dragging his carcass around the ring. We've all got places to go.

Gallivan: Bad News ties up the Natives feet in the leather strap. The Native sits up, in a vain attempt to defend himself... Bad News sidearmed the Native across the ear, knocking him over!

Gallivan: Now, Bad News holds up his arm to the crowd. He starts to drag the Native to the first turnbuckle... hang on, fans! The Native is rolling around like a fish out of water! He's trying to free himself from the leather strap, and Bad News is completely shocked!

Jim: Oh, the look on his face is priceless.


Gallivan: Bad News just dived over the top rope! But the Native holds onto the strap... ooh, the strap brought up solidly between the legs of Bad News! The fans are going wild! Bad News steps over the strap, but he's in real pain... Native dives over the top rope, headfirst!

Jim: Holy crap!

Gallivan: Both men hit the hardwood floor, hard! Bad News is stunned, but Native looks to be wide awake! He jumps on Bad News and begins pounding him in the head! Both hands of the Native are moving at incredible speed! Bad News is being torn apart!

Jim: Man, it looks like the Native finally found his smile.

Gallivan: Hang on! Who the hell is that?

Jim: I don't know. Some huge figure just burst out of the entrance curtain. He's dressed all in black, and his face is covered.

Gallivan: He looks familiar, but I can't place him. Oww, he just booted the Native square in the head! And he isn't even stopping! He walks past Bad News and Native as if nothing happened. Now, he's stepping over the security railing and into the crowd!

Jim: I think we just saw a juggernaut there. He was definitely looking for something, and the Native just got in his way.

Gallivan: Speaking of the Native, he's completely out! Bad News makes it to his knees. His face is a mass of scratches and shallow cuts. He looks like he's seen a ghost!

Jim: I think the Native scared the crap out of Bad News.

Gallivan: But Bad News regains his composure quickly enough. He rolls the Native into the ring, and follows him in. He ties up the Native, and heads for the first turnbuckle!

Jim: This one is a foregone conclusion.

[As the clip ends, the Syni-tron goes dead again.]

Jim: Man, Lockheart looked like a real babyface in that clip.

Gallivan: Well, we later found out that the large mystery man was Ken Grimm, who was part of Leroy Brown's cabal, Ragnarok. But, Craig Lassiter is a much different man than he was back then. So, we'll see if he and The Native can work together a little better this time.

Jim: Man, this is turning into a clipshow. Aren't we going to see anymore real action?

Gallivan: You only had to ask, Jim. Take it away, Ryan Lockheart.

Lockheart: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a tag team match which is part of the Iron Man Teamwork Event. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 395 lbs... CRAIG LASSITER AND THE NATIVE!!!

["Refuse/Resist" by Apocalyptica begins to play as Craig Lassiter steps through the entrance curtain. Lassiter is dressed in full-length black wrestling tights and a silver sleeveless singlet top with the words, "Craig, you Magnificent Bastard" written across the back. He takes a few steps, then pauses and turns back to the curtain. Shouting something, The Native steps through into the arena. The Native is dressed exactly like Craig Lassiter except for the slogan on the back of his shirt, which reads, "Native, you Skinny Nutburger", and the inclusion of his ring of shark teeth around his neck. The crowd cheers both men on as they head to the ring.]

Gallivan: Well, they look to be on the same page tonight, despite how uncomfortable The Native looks to be fully clothed.

Lockheart: And their opponents. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 493 lbs... KURT TREMERE AND "THREAT" SHANE BRANDON!!!

[The lights flicker out, and as the sound of wind fills the arena, a low blue light slowly lights the crowd. After a moment, a voice can be heard echoing through the PA.]

"Now has come the day that I take the lead and make you follow"

[The blue lights slowly grow a little brighter moment by moment.]

"Toast the champagne, I came for greed, not for tomorrow.."

[At the end of the last line, the lights vanish and the arena is engulfed in darkness and silence..]


[As the scream is heard through the PA, 4 blue spotlights shine on the entrance, and "Superstar" by Saliva begins to blast out of the speakers, almost simaltaneosuly with a large pyro explosion on the ceiling and ramp. As the smoke clears, Kurt Tremere is standing in the middle of the entrance, looking over the crowd. The spotlights begin to strobe with the beat of the song, and they follow Kurt down the aisle as he begins to walk. Kurt ignores the crowd, not once even looking at them as he walks. The spotlights follow Kurt up the stairs and onto the apron where he wipes his feet, but then go out as he jumps over the ropes and into the ring. It's only dark in the arena for a moment, because on cue with the next loud beat of the song, more explosions go off, and as the lights come back on, Kurt Tremere is standing in the middle of the ring with his arms raised in the air, and what appears to be glass raining down on him. When the music and fireworks finally cease, Kurt walks over to the corner, lies on top of it ala Shawn Micheals, and adjusts his one elbow pad on his right arm.]

[The lights dim for a mere moment, before an explosion of pyro casts the arena in a fiery red glow. "Revolution" by the Neurotic Outsiders blares over the arena loudspeakers, as Shane Brandon, led by a beaming Hoss Titan, steps through the entrance curtain. The crowds reaction does little to faze him as he walks to the ring with an arrogant grin and attitude. As Brandon enters the squared circle, he does a few stretches and shakes his head from side to side much like a boxer in preparation for the battle ahead.]

Gallivan: Well, this is a rough draw for Lassiter and the Native. Brandon and Tremere are the first team not to come out together, which probably says it all about these two.

*** Craig Lassiter and the Native VS Kurt Tremere and Shane Brandon ***

Gallivan: Lassiter is going to start off against Kurt Tremere. He was calling for Brandon to get in the ring, but it doesn't look like the Threat wants to give Craig the satisfaction.

Jim: Craig better enjoy this, because it's the closest he'll ever get to the Unified Title.

Gallivan: They lock up, and Tremere applies a Side Headlock. Lassiter shoves him off the ropes to break the hold. Tremere bounces back... and hits Lassiter with a Forearm Shot to the chest! He boots Craig in the midsection, and tries to cinch him up for a Suplex... but Lassiter holds on. Again, Tremere tries to hoist him up... but Lassiter counters with a Small Package! Rogers is there for the cover... but Tremere kicks out before a count of 1. Both men are up... and Lassiter hits Tremere with a Knife-edge Chop! And another! Tremere fires back a Punch at Lassiter, then an Elbowsmash to the head! He steps in, driving a Knee into the midsection of Lassiter, and Irish Whips him off the ropes. Lassiter comes bouncing back... and ducks under a Running Elbow attempt! Both men criss-cross the ring and come back to the center... Cross Bodyblock by Lassiter! He hooks the leg, and here's the count... 1... 2.. Kickout! They scramble back to their feet, and Lassiter swings wildly at Tremere, but he ducks, countering with a Backslide! 1... 2... Kickout! Tremere is up first and grabs Lassiter as he gets to his feet... AND POWERBOMBS HIM TO THE MAT! Tremere grabs Lassiter by the hair and drags him into his corner, slamming his head into the turnbuckle... and tags off to Brandon!

Jim: Craig's gonna get his wish now.

Gallivan: Shane comes in and hits Lassiter with a snapping Right hand to the head!

Jim: Phew, that was an Eaton punch if I ever saw one.

Gallivan: Brandon and Tremere grab him by the head... DOUBLE SUPLEX ON LASSITER! Tremere takes his place on the apron as Brandon start stomping on the downed Craig Lassiter. Rather shocking, we are seeing some semblance of the old Shane Brandon here tonight. As Craig struggles back to his feet, Brandon hits him with a European Uppercut that sends him reeling... but Lassiter fights back with a Knife-edge Chop to Brandon! Brandon hits him with another European Uppercut, and Lassiter retaliates with another Chop! And another! He grabs Brandon, and whips him into the ropes... Backdrop by Craig Lassiter! Lassiter heads towards the Native, who is jumping up and down on the apron... but Brandon trips him up! Brandon pulls Lassiter back by the foot, and applies an Anklelock Submission! Craig turns over on his back... and boots Brandon in the face! Shane applies more pressure to Lassiter... but Lassiter boots him in the face again to break the hold! Lassiter regains his vertical base a touch faster than Brandon, and slams a Forearm shot down across his back. He locks on a Front Facelock, and tries to pull Brandon back into his corner.

Jim: This is starting to look like a tag team match.

Gallivan: Craig reaches back... and tags in the Native! He maintains the front facelock, and lifts Shane's arm up to leave him wide open... and the Native boots him in the ribs! As Lassiter heads back to the ring apron, Native starts to hammer Brandon in the head! He's flailing away, smacking at Brandon, who is trying to cover up against this weak, but persistant onslaught!

Jim: Native actually looks like a wrestler in that outfit. Much better than his "Jungle" Jim Steele look.

Gallivan: Brandon reaches out and grabs Native by the trunks, and yanks him forward, ramming his head into the Native's stomach! He steps in... Inverted Atomic Drop by Brandon! Native goes down, and Brandon pulls him across the ring by both feet. He holds the Native's legs open... and stomps him in the groin! Then tags off to Tremere! Brandon turns the Native over into a Boston Crab as Tremere heads up to the top rope! Rogers puts a count on them as Tremere balances on the top... GUILLOTINE LEGDROP ACROSS THE BACK OF THE NATIVE'S HEAD!!! Listen to that crowd... they are actually cheering Brandon and Tremere!

Jim: What do you expect? That's a Quebecers move, and we are in Quebec City.

Gallivan: I knew that.

Jim: Sure you did.

Gallivan: Brandon releases the submission and takes his place on the apron again. Tremere bounces off the ropes... and hits a Flash Elbowdrop on Native! He quickly returns to his feet... and hits another one! We are seeing some shocking teamwork between Tremere and Brandon in here. Kurt lifts the Native off the mat, and unceremoniously shoves him into the corner... where Brandon starts choking him with the tag rope! Rogers starts to count as Tremere moves back to the center of the ring. He charges in... SOMERSAULT BACK ELBOW ON THE NATIVE BY KURT TREMERE!!!

Jim: Brilliant! Brandon held him in place, and Kurt just hammered him with that padded elbow.

Gallivan: The Native is just about out here fans. Kurt picks him up and tags off to Brandon again. Both men cinch up the Native... DOUBLE URINAGE BY BRANDON AND TREMERE! Somehow, these two are acting like a well-oiled machine. Kurt rolls under the bottom rope as Brandon hooks the leg... 1... 2... NO! He pulled the Native up by the hair!

Jim: He can't quit now... they're having too much fun.

Gallivan: Craig Lassiter isn't having much fun on the other side of that ring. Brandon picks up the limp figure of the Native, and whips him off the ropes... THE PROMISE BY SHANE BRANDON!!!

Jim: Bam! Give these guys the belts! They are the greatest team in the history of professional wrestling!

Gallivan: Brandon nailed that spinning reverse neckbreaker and now he's sliding towards the Native, a la Jake Roberts. Waitaminute! He's hesitating. Brandon stands up, and he's actually going to tag Tremere in!

Jim: How's that for class. He's going to let Tremere finish the Native off!

Gallivan: Brandon tags off to Tremere, who moves into the ring like a shark smelling blood. He lifts the Native up, into an inverted DDT position! He's signalling for the K Klass Kutter! Hang on! Shane Brandon is climbing up onto the top rope!

Jim: Don't tell me they are going to double-team the Native with Kurt's finisher! He'll be killed!

Gallivan: Tremere hoists the Native up for a reverse suplex, and holds him in mid-air! He carefully turns around, facing the corner... AND BRANDON MISSILE DROPKICKS TREMERE IN THE FACE!!!

Jim: What?!!! My favorite team!

Gallivan: Considering the smile on Brandon's face, I seriously doubt that was accidental. Tremere and Native went down in a heap and now Brandon refuses to leave the ring. Rogers is trying to push him out. Waitaminute! Craig Lassiter climbs into the ring behind the ref! He picks up Tremere and cinches him up for a piledriver! He hooks Tremere's legs down... TOAD-DRIVER BY CRAIG LASSITER!!! Craig pulls the Native onto Tremere, and quickly rolls out of the ring!

Jim: NO! This can't be happening!

Gallivan: Shane Brandon smiles at the carnage in front of him, and climbs through the ropes... and he's leaving the ring area! DI Rogers turns around, and sees both men down in the ring! He drops down for the cover... 1.... 2.... 3!!!!

Jim: (sobbing) The greatest team in wrestling history bites the dust! Oh, the humanity!

Gallivan: Rogers is calling for the bell... this match is over!

*** Craig Lassiter and the Native win via Pinfall ***

Gallivan: I can't believe it! The Native has just pinned the UWS Unified World Heavyweight Champion!!! What an upset!

Jim: Forget the upset, just imagine the look on Kurt Tremere's face when he realizes what just happened. Brandon just tossed 10 points away to make a point to the world champion.

Gallivan: Shane Brandon has less friends in the UWS than Gabriel Blade, and that's saying something. Craig Lassiter climbs back into the ring to check on his partner. He grabs the Hardcore Title from their corner and tosses it over his shoulder as he helps carry the Native out of the ring.

Jim: Hey, Lassiter's got the Hardcore Title! That means he's champion.

Gallivan: I'm sure he'll give it back to the Native when he comes to.

Jim: Don't count on it. He's a bastard that Lassiter. A Magnificent Bastard.

Gallivan: Well, after this contest, both the Native and Craig Lassiter have been vaulted into medal territory. The Iron Man Tournament is definitely going to be interesting.

[As the ring starts to clear, the cameras cut to the announce team.]

Jim: The next stage of the Iron Man Competition is the Iron Man Rumble on the next Blackened. Unlike tonight, only 1 man is walking out of that event with 10 points, and that's definitely one to win.

Gallivan: You're right there. Then, we are on to the big main event. The Iron Man Tournament. Unlike the 2001 Iron Man, where only the top 8 point-winners went on to the tournament, all 16 men will have a shot at the last 10 points and the UWS Unified World Title this year.

Jim: Well, unlike the Native's lucky break here tonight, the man who walks out of the tournament with the belt will have to win 4 matches in a single night. An upset won't do it.

Gallivan: We've already seen an unparalleled amount of competition thus far in the Iron Man, but the Tournament will be epic. Hold on, fans. I'm being told that there's a scuffle going on backstage.

[The show cuts just backstage into a walled off room. The Native is lying unmoving on the floor and Dr. Karate and Uesugi have cornered Craig Lassiter, who still has the Hardcore Title over his shoulder.]

Gallivan: Uesugi and Dr. Karate are trying to steal the UWS Hardcore Title! They've got Lassiter cornered between a table and the wall and Uesugi is just laying in those lefts and rights! Waitaminute! Lassiter comes straight up from his ducking position and clocks Uesugi right on the chin with that belt! Uesugi is down!

Jim: Uesugi isn't the only one on that team that can fight.

Gallivan: Dr. Karate leaps across the table like Bo Duke, hitting Lassiter with a Leg Lariat and sending him into the wall! He starts stomping and kicking at Lassiter, who is still holding onto that Hardcore Title. Karate forcefully shoves him into the wall and follows it up with several Kicks to the midsection! Karate grabs the belt, and is now in a tug-of-war with Lassiter over it!

Jim: Greed at its finest!

[Brian Thorn walks into the room and just surveys the action.]

Gallivan: What is he doing here?

Jim: Beats me.

Gallivan: Craig leaps into the air... hitting Dr. Karate with a Standing Dropkick that sends him over the table to the floor! Brian Thorn has moved into one of the corners of this room and is just standing in the shadows! Lassiter is up and he starts stomping on Dr. Karate. The Hardcore Title is lying on the floor and it's up for grabs!

Jim: Holy crap, here comes trouble!

Gallivan: It's Sin! Sin charges into the room... AND HITS CRAIG LASSITER WITH A MAFIA KICK! Sin shoves the table out of the way and picks up the Hardcore Title as Dr. Karate gets to his feet... AND LAYS OUT DR. KARATE WITH THE BELT!!!

Jim: That must have been what he was looking for! Greed! The Precioussssss!

Gallivan: Waitaminute! Brian Thorn steps out of the shadows... AND HITS SIN WITH A SPIN KICK TO THE HEAD! He clocks the big man with a Right Hand, then a Spinning Back Fist!

Jim: Thorn knew he was coming! He knew Sin was looking for that Greed! That's why he was waiting here!

Gallivan: Sin drops the belt and reaches out to grab Thorn. He hooks him by the throat... and hoists him into the air!

Jim: Oooh, bad news for Thorn!

Gallivan: Brian Thorn starts firing out kicks to Sin, but the big man is shrugging them off... AND HE CHOKESLAMS THORN THROUGH THE TABLE!!!

Jim: Wow! Underneath that table was nothing but concrete!

Gallivan: Sin picks up Thorn, and drags him out of the room! Waitaminute! The Native is actually getting up. He scrambles over and grabs the Hardcore title, then runs out of the room!

[The cameras follow Sin, who is dragging Thorn by the hair through the backstage area.]

Gallivan: Sin grabs Thorn with both hands... and hurls him into a forklift! Thorn tumbled forward, his shoulder slamming into the side of it. Sin heads towards Thorn, but Thorn snaps off a vicious Kick to the thigh!

Jim: That was a meaty "thwack!"

Gallivan: He hits Sin with a Spinning Back Elbow to the head, and that rocked the big man! Thorn boots him in the midsection, takes a step to the side... SWINGING NECKBREAKER ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR BY THORN!!!

Jim: Shee-oot, this is a better match than the last one.

Gallivan: Thorn picks Sin up, applies a Side Headlock... AND RAMS THE TOP OF HIS HEAD INTO THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING! Look at the dent! Thorn steps in, and Fireman Carries Sin onto his back! He side steps over to a pile of wooden pallets... AND SAMOAN DROPS HIM INTO THEM!!! The weight of both men crashed down through the wood, splintering it like matchsticks! And he's not done! Thorn is actually looking pissed off as he climbs onto a nearby forklift. Thorn hits a few buttons to raise the forks all the way to the top... and now he's climbing up onto the forks!

Jim: Woah, Nellie. This isn't going to be pretty. Hmmm, remember Nellie Olson? Man, I would have done her. Come to think of it, I still would.

Gallivan: Thorn balances on top. He's got to be 15 feet above the wreckage of Sin amongst that wood. Thorn leaps off... PERFECT PRESS BY BRIAN THORN!!! Dear God! Thorn nailed that shooting star press and landed square on Sin! Thorn rolls off him, clutching his own ribs, and now he staggers off, leaving the big man in the wreckage. Sin isn't moving!

Jim: Why do I have a feeling that these two haven't seen the last of each other?

Gallivan: I think you're right, Jim.

[The show cuts away from the carnage to a shot of The Native walking down the hall with the UWS Hardcore Title over his shoulder. He stops as he passes the open door to a darkened room. From inside, a turkey drumstick extends from the darkness.]

Native: (sniffing) Chik... ken?

[The Native heads in after it, and there's a crash. After another crash and several grunts, Tumbler walks out of the room wearing the Hardcore Title around his waist. He glances up and down the hallway, then rushes towards the arena exit.]

Jim: You can take The Native out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of The Native.

[The show cuts to a dressing room where Curtis Slamm is sitting on a bench cradling a photograph of Tori in his hands. He looks to be on the verge of tears.]

Slamm: What am I doing? I wish you were hear baby, it's not the same without you.

[Then a geeky looking guy with a clipboard and headset knocks on the door.]

Slamm: Come in.

[Slamm turns his head. The prgrammer is kind of taken back by Slamm's face.]

Slamm: What the hell you looking at? (Slamm stands up) You want something?

Guy: We put (looks at his clipboard) Brani in the front row like you asked.

Slamm: When did I ask you to do that?

Guy: Um, just about 10 minutes ago.

[Slamm gets right in the guy's face.]

Slamm: Yeah well I changed my mind, you tell your boss I don't go out until you throw that bimbo out.

Guy: Yes sir.

[The programmer runs out of the room. Slamm goes back to sitting down and buries his head into his hands. At the doorway a shadow of a man creeps across.]

Shadow: You don't want to do that.

Slamm: What you care?

Shadow: The boss wants you to keep up the image.

Slamm: I don't need a big breasted bimbo to do that.

Shadow: True but it helps the audience relate to you, since you had one all those years by your side.

[Slamm jumps up, and throws a trash can down rushing towards the shadow, he pulls the shadow man into the doorway. It's the dark haired Poindexter, Slamm has him lifted by the collar.]


Poindexter: You're right I was out of line.

[Slamm lets his grip on Poindexter go.]

Poindexter: What's a matter didn't you like her?

Slamm: The girl though Dr. Suess was a Plastic Surgeon, damn Canadians.

Poindexter: I'll try to do better in our next trip but you have to keep up appearances Curtis. You know what you have to do.

Slamm: Yeah and you don't have to worry.

Poindexter: We know, that was a brilliant move bringing the LWA cameras back at your dressing room, the boss likes to see that, soon this fed won't know what hit them. We're counting on you, remember the deal.

[Poindexter drifts back into the shadows. Slamm turns around and kicks the trash can on the ground.]

[The show cuts back to the ring, where Ryan Lockheart is standing, microphone in hand.]

Lockheart: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a tag team match which is part of the Iron Man Teamwork Event. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 495 lbs... STU-E PRICE AND CURTIS SLAMM!!!

[The arena goes absolutely pitch black for a few moments. A single spotlight appears and flashes around the arena before coming to a halt, right at the Syni-tron. Still in silence, it begins to come to life with the sound of a heartbeat ticking over and over as a few words appear on the screen.]

Things aren't the way they were before,
You wouldn't even recognise me anymore,
Not that you knew me back then,
But it all comes back to me,

[A large explosion of pyrotechnics go off, and with that a large record scratch is heard; Bodyrock by Moby plays out through the speakers. Stu-E walks through the curtain, when he does a massive blue and white laser show kicks off as he slowly walks to ringside, stopping halfway. Stu looks around the arena before raising both arms in the air and running to the ring, rolling under the bottom rope. Like the Sentinel, Stu is also wearing a black armband on one bicep. When inside the ring he goes to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle and waves to the crowd before sitting on the top turnbuckle.]

Gallivan: Stu has been rather vocal lately about his job in FHW. He seems to think he's being held down in the UWS.

Jim: Well, I think the fact that Stu can succeed in FHW and falter in UWS says it all. FHW just doesn't have the competition that we've got. That, and the fact that Stu is a weiner.

[The house lights go out as the opening guitar riff from "Among The Living" begins. At the top of the rampway smoke fills the entrance into the arena. From out of the cloud, draped in a long robe with the hood coming over his face, a figure stands with his hands spread a few inches apart down at his waist. As the music continues, the figure starts to shuffle his feet. As the music hits a high point the house lights flash on and there stands Curtis Slamm, his head tilted to the sky and his hands raised up over his head, he releases an incredible yell. He undoes his robe and paces across the stage for a moment. Then Slamm stomps down to ringside. Instead of climbing into the ring, Slamm walks to the announce table and hands Jim Browski a T-shirt. Picking up a microphone on the table, Slamm speaks.]

Slamm: Killer I just wanted you to be the first to have the newest Curtis Slamm Tee, now available at all Concession stands here and in all sizes too, especially Triple X Large for you bloated Canadians. Ever heard of a sit up aye? Anyway Killer on the front it says (shows the audience) Bringing the World together. On the back it says, (flips the shirt and shows the audience) One Slamm at a time! Here you go.

Jim: Wow, thanks a lot.

[With that, Slamm climbs into the ring.]

Jim: See, Johnny. Slamm's not such a bad guy.

Gallivan: Well, he's definitely a complex individual, I'll give him that. But the jury's still out on just what he's doing here. This is definitely a strange team, but then again, they all are.

Jim: I disagree. Stu has shown what he can do in tag team matches. He's still technically one-third of the UWS Tag Team Champions. Curtis Slamm may be past his prime, but he's a cagey veteran. If they don't kill each other, they just might work well together.

Lockheart: And their opponents. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 450 lbs... DR. KARATE AND UESUGI!!!

["Bad Blood" by Ministry begins to roar throughout the arena as Uesugi steps through the entrance curtain. He flicks back his soaking wet black hair, sending water flying into the air. Uesugi is shirtless and wearing plain black full-leg wrestling tights with no markings of any kind on them. Clenching and unclenching his fists, he calmly walks towards the ring. Dr. Karate steps through the entrance curtain behind him. He makes his way to the ring, amidst the boos of the fans, flapping the tails of his labcoat behind him. Both men climb into the ring and immediately start talking strategy.]

Gallivan: Well, when you look at this match on paper, Karate and Uesugi have a huge advantage. Not only is Dr. Karate Uesugi's manager, but they both worked very well together in Jester's Pyramid. And if that wasn't enough, they are the only team that has experience teaming together in the Iron Man.

Jim: That could be the most important factor. In the Teamwork Event, two guys have to work together long enough to win just one match. I don't know if Stu and Slamm can forget their egos long enough to do that.

[Suddenly, Jim starts laughing uncontrollably.]

Gallivan: What is wrong with you?

Jim: I just realized something. If Stu and Slamm are taking on Karate and Uesugi, then that means Gabriel Blade and Edmund Paine have to face off against Brian Thorn and Lee Todd.

Gallivan: I guess you're right. Once again the fates seem to be conspiring against Gabriel Blade. The fates and Johnny Lassiter.

Jim: Even funnier, if Gabe can't make it to the ring after that Shinobi attack, Paine's going to have to fight both men. Now that should be good for a laugh.

*** Stu-E Price and Curtis Slamm VS Dr. Karate and Uesugi ***

Gallivan: These fans aren't going to have to wait to see Slamm in the ring, he's starting it off for his team. He didn't even talk it over with Stu, he just stood in the middle of the ring ready to fight.

Jim: Oh jeez, I hope Slamm lets Stu in that ring. If not, he might come down here and try to do color again.

Gallivan: Uesugi is starting off against Slamm as DI Rogers calls for the bell. They lock up, and Slamm shoves Uesugi into the ropes. Rogers steps in and makes the count. He calls for the break, and Slamm raises his arms... then hits Uesugi with a Forearm Shot to the chest! He grabs Uesugi, and Irish Whips him off the ropes, ducking down for a Backdrop... but Uesugi leapfrogs over him! The Japanese Torpedo bounces off the far ropes as Slamm turns around... SPINNING HEEL KICK BY UESUGI! He knocked Slamm onto his back. Kip-up by Uesugi as Slamm scrambles to his feet. He catches Slamm with a Snap Kick in the ribs, and goes for another to the head, but Slamm blocks it with his arms! He reaches out... and rakes the eyes of Uesugi! Slamm drops his head, rams his shoulder into Uesugi's midsection... and just shoves him into a neutral corner. He fires a few Shoulderblock into Uesugi, using the ropes for additional momentum. Slamm is up... and applies a Side Headlock to Uesugi!

Jim: Pretty old school.

Gallivan: Rogers checks on the hold, and Uesugi is trying to struggle out of it, but Slamm has got him held tight. Uesugi fires off a couple of weak Forearm shots to the kidneys, but Slamm grinds those ears, putting a stop to it immediately.

Jim: You know, this is a really nice shirt. It doesn't have the instant recognizability of my Snot-Money T-shirt, but it's definitely classier.

Gallivan: Classier than a snot T-shirt? Is that possible? Curtis Slamm drags Uesugi over to the ropes... AND GRINDS HIS FACE ACROSS THAT TOP ROPE! When he reaces the corner, Slamm releases the headlock... and Bodyslams Uesugi to the mat! He hunkers down as Uesugi gets back to his feet... but Slamm tackles him back into the corner again! Another handful of Shoulderblocks from Slamm, and Rogers steps in and calls for the break. Slamm backs out, then heads right back in... AND BLATANTLY CHOKES UESUGI IN THE CORNER!

Jim: That's effective, I'll give him that.

Gallivan: On the apron, Dr. Karate is constantly shouting at his partner. Stu Price has been calling for the tag ever since Slamm took control, but he's been thusly ignored by his partner. Again Rogers calls for the bell and Slamm releases the choke. He grabs Uesugi... AND WHIPS HIM HARD INTO THE OPPOSITE TURNBUCKLE! Uesugi staggers out... POWERSLAM BY CURTIS SLAMM!!! He hooks the leg and this might do it... 1... 2... Kickout!

Jim: Slamm looked a little unsure at the beginning, but he's definitely in the game at this point.

Gallivan: Slamm hits Uesugi with a Knuckle to the face and shoves him over onto his stomach. He goes for a Fujiwara Armbar... BUT UESUGI GRABS THE ROPES! Slamm gets back to his feet and waits on Uesugi. Stu calls for the tag again, but Slamm isn't even looking at him. Uesugi gets back up and shakes off the cobwebs. He glances over to Dr. Karate, but Slamm is cutting the ring in half. They lock up... and Slamm applies an Armbar. Uesugi hits Slamm with an Elbow shot to the head... and another! He jumps up... AND MONKEYFLIPS SLAMM ACROSS THE RING! BUT SOMEHOW SLAMM HELD ONTO THAT ARMBAR! He tries to reposition... but Uesugi fires out a Kick right to the nose, and that broke the hold! Uesugi's favoring that arm, but he barrel-rolls across the ring to his own corner... and tags off to Dr. Karate! Karate flips into the ring and runs at Slamm... hitting him with a Knife-edge Chop! And another!

Jim: Wheeeee!

Gallivan: Slamm fires back an Elbowsmash to the head... and another! He grabs Karate, and Irish Whips him off the ropes... AND STU RAMMED A KNEE INTO KARATE'S BACK AS HE PASSED BY! Dr. Karate staggers towards Slamm... LOU THESZ PRESS!!! Slamm starts hammering Dr. Karate with lefts and rights! He's smothering him with those clubbing blows and DI Rogers puts a quick count on Slamm. Finally, after several warnings, Rogers steps in and pulls Slamm off his opponent. Slamm pulls Karate up by the hair, and runs him across the ring... SLAMMING HIS HEAD INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! AND AGAIN! AND AGAIN! Slamm grabs Karate by the side... Backbreaker by Curtis Slamm! He hooks the leg, and Rogers is there for the cover... 1... 2... No, Karate is in the ropes! Slamm takes a second to get his wind back as he stands up and waits on Dr. Karate. Karate gets back up, and Slamm locks up with him. Karate fires off a desperation Headbutt that stings Slamm! European Uppercut by Karate! And another! He steps in, and hits Slamm with a Spinning Mule Kick to the midsection! Karate cinches Slamm up for a Suplex... but Slamm hooks his leg to block it! Slamm hits Karate with a knee in the midsection... AND REVERSES IT INTO A FRONT LAYOUT SUPLEX! Slamm backs into a neutral corner, despite the pleas of Stu-E Price for a tag, and climbs onto the second rope. He waits on Karate, who is slow to get up. Karate is up, and Slamm jumps off... BUT KARATE CAUGHT HIM WITH A STANDING DROPKICK TO THE RIBS!!! Both men are down!

Jim: Slamm was going for an Elbow or an Ax-handle off the second rope, but Dr. Karate pulled a desperation move out of his doctor's bag. But his team is still on life-support.

Gallivan: Rogers puts a count on both men as their partners reach out for the tag. Karate rolls over, and starts dragging himself to his corner. Slamm is slower to move, but he starts inching towards his corner as well. Dr. Karate reaches the corner first, and tags off to Uesugi! Uesugi climbs through the ropes just as Slamm reaches his corner... and tags off to Price! Stu-E climbs through the ropes, but Uesugi is already charging across the ring... RUNNING LEG LARIAT BY UESUGI! He slammed Price into the corner! The Torpedo is up, and picks up Price. He starts hitting Stu with Palm Thrusts to the chest and stomach! Stu-E fires off an Elbow to the side of the head... and a Kick in the midsection! Price bounces off the ropes... SWINGING NECKBREAKER ON UESUGI!!! Stu-E flips back to his feet and picks up Uesugi. He cinches a Front Facelock on the Japanese wrestler, and hooks the leg... Is this the Price Tag? NO! PERFECTPLEX BY STU-E PRICE!!!

Jim: Listen to that fan reaction!

Gallivan: Curtis Slamm climbs through the ropes and charges at Dr. Karate, who is already in the ring, intent on breaking up the pin! Cross Bodyblock by Slamm! DI Rogers drops down for the count on Uesugi... 1... 2... 3! This match is over!

Jim: I may diss Stu on occasion, but that's a pretty classy nod to the Perfect One.

*** Stu-E Price and Curtis Slamm win via Pinfall ***

Gallivan: Slamm boots Karate in the head, sending him between the ropes to the floor. He gets up, and Slamm actually looks impressed.

[Slamm stares at Stu, gives him a curt nod, then bails out of the ring and heads backstage. Stu waits for Rogers to raise his hand, then heads out of the ring himself. The cameras cut to the announce table.]

Gallivan: Well, that will put a serious damper on Dr. Karate and Uesugi's shot at the Iron Man. They aren't technically out of the medal hunt, but it's definitely going to be an uphill battle for them. Fans, I'm being told that since Curtis Slamm is taking Dake Ken's spot in the Iron Man, he will get the benefit of Ken's 2 points. It isn't much, but the way this event is shaping up, it could make all the difference. The win vaults Slamm up to 12 points, and Stu up to 14. Both men now have a definite shot at the medals.

Jim: I can't wait to see this leaderboard. The top 10 are going to be inches apart.

Gallivan: Well fans, its time for our last match, and by process of elimination, we all know who it's going to be.

Lockheart: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a tag team match which is part of the Iron Man Teamwork Event. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 467 lbs... LEE F'N' TODD AND BRIAN THORN!!!

[The lights in the arena dim as Sweet Child of Mine rips through the arena, dry ice fills the aisle as Lee F'n' Todd steps through the curtain a bottle of brown ale held high above his head in his left hand. A two fingered salute on his right. Strolling down the aisle he's followed by a trench coat clad Lola. Making a slow march to the ring he hops up on the apron knocks back his ale before handing the bottle to Lola. Climbing through the middle rope he pauses like an agitated Lion waiting for his partner.]

[In Thorn's voice we hear the word "Ultimate" over the sound system as a spotlight shines down on the entrance ramp to a waiting Thorn. "Model" is spoken the same way as another spotlight hits him from a different angle, and Thorn raises his arms in acceptance of the appreciation the fans must have for him. "Of" is heard as a third spotlight shines down on the man with the million-dollar smile. "Perfection" sounds in Thorn's voice as a fourth and final spotlight engulfs Thorn. Suddenly "Tear Away" by Drowning Pool plays over the sound system and all four spotlights follow Thorn down the entrance ramp. On the Syni-tron we see images of Thorn in his glory, hitting the Double Take, flashing his "million dollar" smile, women hanging off of both arms, and then a closeup of the arrogant face. Thorn takes his time walking down the entrance ramp, letting his music play through. Once in the ring he flashes his "million dollar" smile once again, the music fades, and the lights come back on.]

Gallivan: Thorn did a good job of cleaning up after that short but brutal altercation with Sin backstage. He might look good, but he's got to be feeling the effects. When the teams were announced, this was the team that everyone took notice of. Both men are right behind Gabriel Blade on the leaderboard, and both had an incredible showing in Jester's Pyramid. The big question is: can they work together against a common foe?

Jim: We shall soon see. Gabe had better watch it or he'll find himself locked in a giant coconut and launched off to some deserted island.

Lockheart: And their opponents. Coming to the ring at this time, at a combined weight of 481 lbs... "SENTINEL" GABRIEL BLADE AND EDMUND PAINE II!!!

[The spotlights on the entrance way seem to brighten for a moment before dimming to near darkness. The playfully brassy sound of "Death or Glory" sounds as a large man wearing a nicely tailored black suit emerges from the back. He pauses at the entrance, soaks in his surroundings, and then proceeds to walk several feet before he stops. He crosses his massive arms on his large, barrel chest and glares disdainfully out into the crowd. Moments later, a much physically smaller man emerges from the back. Two spotlights home in on the man and reveal him to the crowd as the words "The Duke of Paine" appear on the Syni-tron. The "Duke of Paine" makes his way slowly towards the ring dressed in a beautifully tailored black suit, white dress shirt, and silver tie. As the "Duke" walks by on his way to the ring, his larger companion follows. Stopping at ringside, the two men pause as Mr. Paine removes his jacket, tie and cufflinks and hands them over to his companion. He unstraps the OWF Division Title and hands it to the waiting ring attendant. As he ascends the steps leading into the ring, Mr. Paine undoes several of the upper buttons on his shirt as well as rolls up each of his sleeves.]

["And Justice For All" plays as Gabriel Blade steps onto the entrance ramp. Those observant of the human soul can easily see the wonder and awe still there in his eyes as he surveys the scene before turning to face the ring and marching resolutely forward.]

Gallivan: Gabe is trying to hide it, but we can see him favoring that knee that was the focus of the attack by Shinobi I earlier tonight. DI Rogers is going over the instructions as the teams decide who will start it off.

Jim: Ten bucks says Gabe starts off for his team.

Gallivan: I'm not taking that bet.

[In their corner, Brian Thorn and Lee Todd have a surprisingly civilized conversation in the corner. After it, Thorn holds out his arms for a hug. Lee looks a little shocked, but gives his partner a quick hug nevertheless. After the quick embrace, which generate some boos and catcalls from the audience, Thorn climbs through the ropes to the ring apron.]

Jim: Now that would bring a tear to a glass eye.

Gallivan: (sarcastically) Yeah, that's something alright. Waitaminute! What's that hanging out of the back pocket of Lee Todd's jeans?

Jim: I'll be damned. It looks like a Shinobi mask! I guess we know who the culprit is now, don't we?

Gallivan: Yes, we do.

Jim: Lee Todd.

Gallivan: No, Brian Thorn. Thorn must have planted that mask during their hug, because Lee didn't have it when he came out here. In the ring, Edmund Paine has taken his place on the ring apron, as expected, and Rogers calls for the bell!

*** Lee Todd and Brian Thorn VS Gabriel Blade and Edmund Paine ***

Gallivan: The ratings for the UWS have slowly but steadily been rising, and it's because of matchups like this one here.

Jim: That and Curtis Slamm.

Gallivan: Well, that's debatable. Todd moves to lockup, but Gabe calls for a test of strength. The crowd eggs him on, so Lee complies. They lock hands, and slam their chests into one another, each one pushing for all they're worth. Lee starts to backpedal against the weight advantage of the Sentinel. Lee jumps up, planting his feet onto the legs of Gabe... AND MONKEYFLIPS HIM OVER! They maintain the lock and Lee rolls over onto Gabe's chest. He holds Gabe's shoulders down onto the mat... 1... No, he got a shoulder up! Again, Lee shoves Gabe's shoulder down to the mat... 1... No! Again, he got a shoulder up. Lee breaks the fingerlock, and pulls back to punch Gabe in the face... but he brings up his legs, hooking Lee's shoulders into a Sunset Flip pin! 1... 2... Kickout! Lee booted Gabe in the head to break the hold and now both men scramble to their feet. They lock up... and Gabe Hiptosses Lee to the canvas! Gabe backs off the ropes to get some speed... but Lee ducks under a clothesline attempt! Lee charges off the ropes as Gabe goes off the other side. He leaps up as they come together... FLYING HEADSCISSORS BY LEE TODD!

Jim: Woah, that's one out of his brother's book.

Gallivan: Both men are back up... and Lee walks into another Hiptoss from Gabe! He gets up... and Gabe cinches him for a Urinage... but Lee breaks it with a Side Elbow shot to the head! He grabs Gabe from side on... Side Suplex by Lee Todd! Lee tries to bridge it into a pin, but Gabriel Blade kicks out before he can get it secured. Both men rush to be the first one to their feet, and Lee beats Gabe by half a second. He hits Gabe with a Knife-edge Chop!

Jim: Wheeee!

Gallivan: Gabe fires back a Chop of his own! This crowd is cheering both men now as they trade chops in the middle of the ring!

Jim: For guys who supposedly hate each other, they are having a very respectable wrestling match so far.

Gallivan: Paine and Thorn are just looking on, anxious for their partner to take the upper hand... but they continue to belt each other with those Chops! Gabe finally takes the advantage, forcing Lee back against the ropes. He swings a Clothesline at Lee... BUT LEE DUCKS, BACKDROPPING GABE OUT OF THE RING!

Jim: Ouch. He took a nasty tumble onto the concrete floor, but I don't think it's going to stop him.

Gallivan: Rogers puts a count on Gabe, but he's already back up. The Sentinel takes a few seconds for the pain to die down, then climbs back onto the ring apron... AND LEE TODD IS HOLDING THE ROPES OPEN FOR HIM!

Jim: No way.

Gallivan: Gabe looks at Lee, who is smiling as he sits on that second rope. Gabe shakes his head, and steps clean over the top rope into the ring. Lee shrugs, and starts to circle Gabe again.

Jim: Lee's trying to be good, he really is. I did it once, for about an hour. It's very difficult.

Gallivan: Collar and elbow tieup in the middle of the ring, and Gabe Irish Whips Lee off the ropes. Lee comes back, and ducks under another Clothesline attempt. Both men head off the opposite ropes, and come back to the center... DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! They hit the canvas, and Rogers puts a count on both men... 1... 2... 3.... Hold on! Gabe rolls over onto Lee, and hooks the leg... 1... 2... Kickout! He gets back to his feet, and pulls Lee up. Gabe cinches him, and hoists him up in a Powerbomb position... and plants him onto the canvas! Lee rolls over, and it looks like Gabe finally sees that mask hanging out of his back pocket!

[Gabe rips the mask out of Lee's pocket, and unfolds it to see what it is. Once he realizes, he looks down at Lee, who is sliding away from Gabe, on his butt, holding up his hands in a plea of innocence.]

Jim: Oh, he's done it now.

Gallivan: Gabe tosses the mask into the crowd... AND BOOTS LEE IN THE CHEST! Lee does a back somersault to his feet... AND GABE LARIATS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE TO THE FLOOR!!! Instead of waiting, Gabe bails out through the ropes and he's on Lee like a shot. He pulls Lee to his feet... AND IRISH WHIPS HIM HARD INTO THE STEEL GUARDRAIL! Lee is still holding up his hands for mercy, but Gabriel Blade is seeing red.

Jim: Oh, I get it. Gabe thinks Lee was the guy in the Shinobi mask who used the nunchuks on him.

Gallivan: Gabe charges towards Lee... hitting him with a Back Elbow to the head! Gabe picks Lee Todd up... BODYPRESSING HIM INTO THE AIR!

Jim: He's gonna toss him into the crowd!

Gallivan: Hold on! Brian Thorn charges across the ring apron... HITTING GABE IN THE RIBS WITH A BASEBALL SLIDE OFF THE APRON!!! Gabe buckled, and Lee fell straight down on top of him!!! DI Rogers breaks off his count on Gabe and Lee, and now he bails out of the ring to send Thorn back to his place on the apron. Lee gets to his feet, lifts himself into the air via the guardrail... AND NAILS GABE WITH A LEGDROP ACROSS THE THROAT! He picks up Gabriel Blade, slams his head onto the ring apron... then dumps him back in the ring.

Jim: See, that's what having a partner like Brian Thorn can do... turn the tide.

Gallivan: Lee rolls back into the ring, booting Gabe across the back of the head! He picks him up, cinches him for a Front Facelock... BRAINBUSTER BY LEE TODD!!! Instead of going for the cover, Lee heads right to his corner! He shoves Thorn and now he's shouting at him. Our cameras are trying to get close enough to hear what they are saying.

Todd: What the hell was that all about? You trying to get me killed? O: The mask? That's ring psychology, Lee. You of all people should understand that. We've got the upper hand, haven't we?

Gallivan: Lee turns back to look at Gabe... and Thorn tags him across the shoulder! Thorn leaps into the ring, and charges off the ropes as Lee grudgingly steps through the ropes to the apron. Thorn comes off the ropes... ROLLING THUNDER ON GABRIEL BLADE! He hooks the leg and here's the cover... 1... 2... Kickout! Thorn pulls Gabe's head off the mat, and starts ramming Elbow shots into his head! He's got a handful of hair with the other hand and Rogers puts a count on him. After a count of 5, Thorn breaks it. He takes a few steps back as Gabe sits up... BUT THORN DROPKICKS HIM IN THE CHEST, DROPPING HIM TO THE MAT AGAIN! Thorn takes a second to head into the corner, and slap Edmund Paine across the side of the head! Paine tries to come through the ropes, but DI Rogers is there to stop him. Brian Thorn uses the time to pick up Gabe... AND HOTSHOT HIM ACROSS THE TOP ROPE! Now, he drapes Gabe over the top rope, and he's choking him with it! He's close enough for Lee to join in, but Lee is waiting patiently in his corner. Rogers comes back, and pulls Thorn off Gabe. He starts to admonish him... AND LEE JUMPS OFF THE APRON, GRABBING GABE BY THE HAIR AND GAROTTING HIM ACROSS THAT TOP ROPE!

Jim: Aw, look at that "bad little boy" look on Lee's face.

Gallivan: Lee is apologizing to the fans after that blatant cheapshot while Thorn pulls Gabe up inside the ring. He cinches him from behind... German Suplex by Thorn! Thorn jumps to his feet, and now he starts bouncing around the ring in a kickboxing pose. Gabe is gasping for breath and trying to get to his feet... but Thorn hits him with a Snap Kick to the left shoulder! He spins around, catching Gabe in the face with a Heel Kick!

Jim: That put him back on the mat. Lee Todd and Brian Thorn are actually working well together.

Gallivan: Surprising, I know. Gabe is in serious trouble in that ring. Edmund Paine is reaching out for a tag, but Gabe doesn't know which way is up at this point. Thorn grabs Gabe by the arm... MAJISTRAL CRADLE BY THORN! Rogers is there for the count... 1... 2... No! Gabe just kicked out of that one. Thorn leaps to his feet, and heads for the ropes... Asai Moonsault by Thorn! He hooks the leg of Gabe... 1... 2... Kickout!

Jim: This kid won't stay down.

Gallivan: Thorn drags Gabe back to his feet... and Irish Whips him into his corner. Thorn walks in, and tags Lee Todd back in. Lee fires off a couple of Punches into the head of Gabe, then pulls him out of the corner... and Bodyslams him to the mat! Lee grabs Gabe by the foot, and drags him away from the ropes. Spinning Toehold by Lee! He spins through it several times... THEN LOCKS ON A FIGURE-FOUR!

Jim: Wheeee! This match is over.

Gallivan: Gabriel Blade is trying to fight his way out of it, but I'm not sure how much he's got left at this point. Gabe lifts himself up to his elbow, and now he starts rocking back and forth!

Jim: Hold on Lee!

Gallivan: He's trying to, but Gabriel Blade is intent! He rolls over, reversing the Figure-four! Now Lee is the one in pain as Gabe tries to apply more pressure on this awkward submission. Lee reaches back, and grabs the ropes! Rogers calls for the break, and has to step in to separate the two wrestlers. Unbelievably, Gabriel Blade is the first one to his feet as he tries to put weight on his injured leg. Lee climbs back to his feet and comes up behind Gabe. He tries to cinch him for a Back Suplex... but Gabe applies a Side Headlock to counter it! Headlock Takedown by Gabe! He glances over to Paine, who wants the tag, but Gabe isn't ready to give up control of this match. He drops an Elbow onto Lee, jumps to his feet, and drops another Elbow! Gabe gets back up, and takes a few steps back. He's trying to psych himself back into this match as Lee is slow to get up. He turns to face Gabe... SPEAR BY THE SENTINEL!

Jim: He's mad now.

Gallivan: Gabe starts pounding on the head of Lee with lefts and rights! He breaks before Rogers calls for it, and drags Lee back to his feet. Lee fires off a Knife-edge Chop to the chest of Gabe, but Gabe rams a Knee into Lee's stomach to cut him short! He Irish Whips Lee off the ropes... LEAPING CLOTHESLINE BY GABRIEL BLADE!

Jim: He spun Lee nearly completely around!

Gallivan: Gabe hooks the leg, and Rogers is there for the count... 1... 2... NO! Thorn ran in and broke up the count before the 3! Rogers chases him out, but Gabe charges at the ropes... AND KNOCKS THORN OFF THE APRON WITH A RUNNING KNEE!!! Thorn slammed into that steel guardrail on the outside! Hang on! Lee crawls up behind Gabe... Schoolboy Rollup on Gabe! 1... 2... NO! Gabe kicked out, despite the fact that Lee had a handful of tights! Both men scramble back to their feet... BUT LEE WALKS INTO A URINAGE SUPLEX BY THE SENTINEL!!!

Jim: That's it! Pin him!

Gallivan: Gabe drops onto Lee, but Brian Thorn runs over... and pops Gabe in the face through the ropes! Gabe rolls off Lee and outside the ring, where Thorn is backpedaling. Gabe is advancing on him, and Thorn is trying to calm him down. Waitaminute! Edmund Paine has dropped off the apron behind Thorn! Thorn backs into Paine... who pulls his arms behind his back! Thorn's struggling, but Gabe runs at him..., AND STARTS HAMMERING THORN IN THE HEAD WITH LEFTS AND RIGHTS!

Jim: Hey, that's 2-on-1!

Gallivan: Rogers is putting a count on Gabe outside the ring, and he's up to 4. Gabe belts Thorn with a massive Forearm Shot to the chest... and that sent Paine back a few steps! Gabe reaches out... GATEWAY TO ETERNITY BY THE SENTINEL ON THORN!!!

Jim: That's not legal!

Gallivan: Thorn isn't the legal man, but I don't think Gabe cares. Paine releases Thorn and heads back to his position on the ring apron. Inside the ring, Lee Todd has made it back to his feet, but he's on rubber legs. Rogers reaches 7 on his count. Hold on! Thorn hits Gabe with a Jab to the throat to break the hold!

Jim: Gabe's gonna get counted out!

Gallivan: Gabe staggers back, catching his breath and Brian Thorn charges at him... SPINNING HEEL KICK! NO! GABE CAUGHT HIM! He turns around... AND DROPS THORN BACK-FIRST ACROSS THE STEEL GUARDRAIL!!!

Jim: Oooooh, spinal rearrangement, courtesy of the Sentinel.

Gallivan: Gabe turns around, and slides back into the ring, just barely beating the count! Lee Todd is on him, and starts stomping on Gabe as he tries to stand. He drops onto Gabe, locking on a Front Facelock, but the upstart won't stay down! Gabe lifts Lee off the mat... Inverted Atomic Drop! He Irish Whips Lee off the ropes... but Lee ducks under a Clothesline. Both men bounce off the far ropes... AND LEE DROP TOEHOLDS GABE DOWN ACROSS THE SECOND TURNBUCKLE!

Jim: Gabe's chin bounced off that turnbuckle, and that was excellent ring positioning by Todd.

Gallivan: Lee draps his body across Gabe and hooks a leg... 1... 2.. Kickout!

Jim: Is there a time limit for this match?

Gallivan: Who knows. They don't tell me anything. Brian Thorn is back on the apron, and despite the look of pain on his face, he wants in the ring! Lee rolls over and tags Thorn in. Gabe gets back to his knees, but Thorn is on him before he can stand! Thorn goes for a Swinging Neckbreaker... BUT GABE REVERSES IT INTO A BACKSLIDE! 1... 2... Kickout! They are back up, and Gabe boots Thorn in the guts! He hammers Thorn across the back of the neck with a Forearm Smash, then cinches him up for a Powerbomb... BUT THORN REVERSES IT INTO A FACESLAM!!! He hooks Gabe by the arm, and rolls him over for the cover... 1... 2... No! Gabe got a shoulder up! Thorn is up first and he grabs Gabe by the feet. Thorn tries to apply a Figure-four... but Gabe shoves him off! Thorn slams into his own corner, and Lee tags Thorn on the arm! Gabe is up and grabs Thorn from behind... BRIDGING GERMAN SUPLEX BY GABRIEL BLADE!!! He's got Thorn hooked for the cover... but Lee stomps Gabe in the stomach to break the hold!

Jim: What teamwork. Almost as good as "sniff" Brandon and Tremere. Now that was a great team. Oh, I won't soon forget all their great matches together.

Gallivan: Lee picks up Gabe, and he's going for the Fuck U! He turns Gabe over... but he breaks free! Gabe spins around just as Lee fires off a punch... but Gabe blocked it! He throws back a huge right hand of his own! And another! And another!

Jim: Gabe's fighting off two men in this match! This is inhuman!

Gallivan: Gabe whips Lee off the ropes... POWERSLAM BY GABRIEL BLADE!!! He's got the leg hooked, and here's the count... 1... 2... 3! NO!

Jim: Bam!


Jim: That's one way to break the count.

Gallivan: Brian Thorn looks like he can barely stand, but he's still pulling out all the stops here. But DI Rogers is livid! He's yelling at Thorn, and it looks like he might disqualify the Perfect Team!

Jim: For what? That looked legal to me!

Gallivan: Thorn is pleading with him, and it looks like his charm has paid off. He's going to let this match continue, but I think Thorn and Todd are on thin ice in there.

Jim: Doesn't matter. Blade is out like a light.

Gallivan: Out like a light? Isn't that a bit of a cliche?

Jim: Ok, out like Ian McKellan.

Gallivan: Much better. I'm not sure I understand it, but it's much better. In the ring, Rogers is counting Lee and Gabe out, but it looks like Lee is going to make it back to his feet. He grabs Gabe by the leg... SPINNING TOEHOLD BY LEE TODD!

Jim: Wheeeeee!

Gallivan: Edmund Paine is still desperately reaching for a tag, but Gabe is at Lee Todd's mercy right now. Rogers is asking him if he submits, but Gabe isn't giving it up! Lee signals for the Figure-four and goes for one more spin... BUT GABE KICKS HIM OFF RIGHT INTO DI ROGERS!!!

Jim: I heard a definite konk. I think Lee and Rogers bopped heads there, and they are both down!

Gallivan: That's all Brian Thorn needed. He's climbing up onto the top rope! Waitaminute! Edmund Paine starts shaking the ropes... AND THORN CROTCHES HIMSELF ON THE TOP TURNBUCKLE! Now Paine drops off the ring apron. Is he leaving?

Jim: What a coward. The match goes a little pear-shaped, and he bails. Typical of his type.

Gallivan: His type? Jim, we don't want any more letters than we already get.

Jim: Yeah, his type. The... um... type of guy who would walk out of a match.

Gallivan: What, like Shane Brandon?

Jim: Johnny, are you implying that Brandon is "that type?"

Gallivan: Nothing of the sort.

Jim: Good.

Gallivan: Waitaminute! Paine just retrieved his OWF Title from the timekeeper's table and he's headed back to the ring!

Jim: Oh, I guess Paine's ok afterall.

Gallivan: In the ring, Gabe is up and he sees Thorn straddled on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up after him, and he's cinching Thorn for a Superplex! Waitaminute! Lee Todd flies at Gabe, nailing him with a Double Ax-handle across the back! He lifts Gabe off the second rope for a Back Suplex... BUT GABE REPOSITIONS, FALLING ACROSS ONTO LEE TODD! Gabe stands up, but Thorn is raising himself back to his feet on the top rope! Gabe doesn't see him! He turns around, just as Thorn leaps off... BUT GABE CATCHES HIM WITH A BEARHUG!!! He repositions... STANDING SIDEWALK SLAM BY THE SENTINEL!!! These fans are going wild for Gabe as he stands and grabs Thorn by the feet... BOSTON CRAB BY GABRIEL BLADE!!!

Jim: He's not the legal man!

Gallivan: It doesn't matter anyway! Rogers is still down! Lee Todd crawls back to his feet behind the Sentinel, but Edmund Paine is climbing into the ring to take care of him! Lee turns around just in time to see Paine charging at him with that OWF Title... BUT LEE DROP TOEHOLDS HIM ON THE WAY IN!!! OHMYGOD! Paine fell forward, slamming that title into the back of Gabriel Blade's head!

Jim: Was that on purpose?

Gallivan: I don't know. Paine certainly looks apologetic as he stands up. Gabe has been laid out! Hang on! Lee Todd is up... AND DROPKICKS PAINE THROUGH THE ROPES TO THE FLOOR! He shoves Thorn out of the way and drops onto Gabe for the cover! Lee pulls Gabe's legs almost to the point of flipping him over, and it looks like Rogers is moving again! DI Rogers crawls across the ring..... 1....... 2........ 3! No way! What a travesty!

Jim: A typical travesty, or an executive travesty?

Gallivan: What?

Jim: It's a french joke.

Gallivan: Whatever. Rogers is still woozy, but he's calling for the bell! This match is over!

*** Lee Todd and Brian Thorn win via Pinfall ***

Jim: Gabe was fighting a battle against two men. I think the blame should rest solely on his shoulders.

Gallivan: What? He was handling two of the best wrestlers in this fed by himself!

Jim: But, if he had have let Paine do his part and not hogged all the glory, he might have won.

Gallivan: Do I need to remind you that Gabe was still in full control until Edmund Paine brought in that OWF Title? Fans, this one was an incredible match, and as is seemingly the norm, was mired in controversy. Edmund Paine has taken the OWF Title and left the ring area. Brian Thorn is now back up, and he and Lee are celebrating their win as Rogers hoists their arms high.

[Todd and Thorn take turns pointing to each other, first nWo-style, then ZZ-Top-style. Gabriel Blade, who has been busted open, has dragged himself back to one corner and is just shaking his head.]

Gallivan: Gabriel Blade looks absolutely demolished, and I can't say I blame him. Earlier tonight, he was dumped into the OWF Division, which seriously reduced his chances of getting Lee Todd or Shane Brandon one-on-one in the ring. Now, after some ineptitude on the part of his partner, he's seen his lead in the Iron Man Competition vanish. It hasn't been a great night for Gabriel Blade.

Jim: No shit, Sherlock.

Gallivan: Hang on! Gabriel Blade is shaking his head up and down in the corner, riling himself up. He pulls himself back to his feet, and now he's shaking the ring ropes!

Jim: Who does he think he is, the Ultimate Warrior?

Gallivan: Lee and Brian have stopped their celebration, and now they're looking at this young buck in the corner, who looks like he's ready to charge. Lee looks at Thorn, who nods. Both of them charge across the ring at Gabe, but he's already coming out of the corner... DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE BY GABRIEL BLADE! Blade charges across the ring, and now he's criss-crossing the ring like a madman.

Jim: He is the Ultimate Warrior! Next thing you know, he'll be making up his own words!

Gallivan: The Perfect Team gets back up... AND GABE DROPS THEM WITH ANOTHER DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! These fans are loving it! As Gabe continues to storm back and forth, Thorn stays down.

Jim: Wise man.

Gallivan: Lee, on the other hand, bolts back up... AND GABE SPEARS HIM TO THE MAT! Thorn is back up, but Gabe sees him! He boots Thorn in the midsection and cinches him for what looks like a suplex... JACKHAMMER BY THE SENTINEL ON THORN!!!

Jim: Now he's Goldberg!

Gallivan: Gabe drags Lee onto Brian Thorn, and now he's headed up top! Gabe perches on top, then raises his massive form on the top rope... DOUBLE SNUKA SPLASH BY THE SENTINEL!!!

Jim: He's lost it! Gabe has lost it!

Gallivan: These fans love it! Gabe rolls out of the ring, finally satisfied, and heads backstage. Wow, fans, what a night.

[The show cuts away from the ring and focuses on the announce table.]

Jim: Hang on. Before we go, I've got to say a few words about the good folks at Rosebud Farms.

Gallivan: What?

Jim: Yeah, I've got a sponsor. (he pulls a bag of peas out of nowhere and holds it up to the camera) Yes, Rosebud Frozen Peas... full of country goodness and green pea-ness.

Gallivan: What did you just say?

Jim: What? It's the slogan.

[Jim shows the copy to Gallivan.]

Gallivan: Oh, green pea-ness.

Jim: Of course.

Gallivan: Jim, we've got regular sponsors, you can't come out here and hawk your own stuff. Now we've only got a few minutes left and we have to take a look at the leaderboard.

Jim: Aw, suit yourself.

Gallivan: The Teamwork Event is finally in the books, so let's take a look at how the leaderboard shapes up now.

Competitor Points
"Sentinel" Gabriel Blade 21
Lee F'n' Todd 21
Tumbler 20
Brian Thorn 20
Stu-E Price 14
Craig Lassiter 12
The Native 12
Curtis Slamm 12
Sin 10
Michael Burke 10
Uesugi 9
Edmund Paine II 8
Kurt Tremere 8
Dr. Karate 8
"Threat" Shane Brandon 5
Paco 4

Jim: Wow. Would you ever believe after 3 events, it would still be this close?

Gallivan: No way. Gabriel Blade and Lee Todd are now tied for the lead with Tumbler and Brian Thorn just a point behind them. After that there is a sizeable gap before the group of Stu Price, Lassiter, the Native, and Curtis Slamm who are all still in serious contention. Any of these men could break out of the pack in the next event. This epic contest isn't settle yet, not by a long shot.

Jim: Well, it could have been over. If Blade and Paine had beaten Todd and Thorn, Gabe would have pretty much cemented the Gold Medal.

Gallivan: Again, we have to wonder just what strings Brian Thorn had to pull to get that matchup.

Jim: Aw, you talk too much.

Gallivan: Well fans, we are out of time here again. For all of us in the UWS--

[The arena goes absolutely pitch black for a few moments. A single spotlight appears and flashes around the arena before coming to a halt, right at the Syni-tron. Still in silence, it begins to come to life with the sound of a heartbeat ticking over and over as a few words appear on the screen.]

Things aren't the way they were before,
You wouldn't even recognise me anymore,
Not that you knew me back then,
But it all comes back to me,

[A large explosion of pyrotechnics go off, and with that a large record scratch is heard; Bodyrock by Moby plays out through the speakers. Stu-E walks through the curtain, when he does a massive blue and white laser show kicks off as he slowly walks to ringside, stopping halfway. Stu looks around the arena before raising both arms in the air and running to the ring.]

Gallivan: What is he doing now? The show is over!

[Lee Todd and Brian Thorn are still in the ring. They have crawled into opposite corners and are trying to get to their feet. Both men look to be in very rough shape.]

Gallivan: Stu heads around the ring and he grabs a microphone from the timekeeper's table.

Stu: Hey!

Jim: That was eloquent.

[Stu jumps up onto the ring apron to get a better vantage point of the crowd.]

Stu: I'm not sure if we are still on the air or not, but I thought I'd come out here to make the biggest announcement ever! Something that will rock the very foundations of the UWS, and change the course of the Iron Man Competition.

Jim: Don't overhype it, Stu.

Stu: After my scintillating win here tonight with Curtis Slamm, I find myself with 14, count them, 14 points in the Iron Man. Well, being the samaritan that I am, I have been in negotiations with another UWS Superstar over the past week, and it's finally official. So, it is with a smile on my face and a lump in my pants that I announce that I have just given my Iron Man points to none other than... BRIAN THORN!

Gallivan: What?!!

Jim: Wow, what a great guy.

Gallivan: What are you saying? With those points, Thorn will be nearly unstoppable in the Iron Man. He'll all but be guaranteed the Gold medal!

Jim: But those are Stu's points. He should be able to give them to whomever he wants.

Gallivan: Give them away? If you don't believe that Thorn bought and paid for those points, you are seriously deluded. How far will this man go to shift this competition in his favor.

[The crowd goes berzerk and starts throwing trash into the ring. Brian Thorn, who is back to his feet, fixes his hair and manages a smile. Lee Todd, on the other side of the ring, just stares at Thorn with a look of shock on his face.]

Gallivan: This is ludicrous!

Jim: Well, at least we agree on that.

Gallivan: Jim, do you know what ludicrious means?

Jim: It means exciting, doesn't it?

Gallivan: No, it doesn't. Fans, I'm speechless. Lee Todd bails out of the ring, and walks up to Stu, snatching the microphone out of his hands. He brings it up to say something to Stu, but just shakes his head.

Todd: (turning to Thorn) You stinking weasel! I shoulda castrated you when I had the chance!

Gallivan: And on that bombshell fans, we are all out of time! Just who is leading the Iron Man? I have no idea!

[As the credits start to roll, Lee just drops the microphone and walks backstage, leaving Thorn in the middle of the ring, basking in the boos of the fans.]