Here at the UWS we promote creativity over anything else. Therefore we have two very important policies that we enforce very strongly.

Gimmick Placement and Priority
The UWS will not have 18 goths or ex-movie stars running around the fed at the same time. Your application may be rejected if there are already too many people using the same gimmick. We want handlers to flourish in this environment without the threat of feeling copied or part of a faceless crowd of mimics. Those in the fed that are of similar gimmicks will be prioritized as to which one gets the better storylines the same way anyone else in the fed does, through their hard work. If there are two goths in the fed and one is working his ass off while the other one is just terrorizing the role-playing board, then the one who deserves it will get all the cool storylines and gimmick priority. Existing handlers may be asked to accept changes to their characters if the need arises to balance the gimmick placement in the UWS. As the same as above, those who are working hard shouldn't have anything to worry about while those who are just along for the ride will take the brunt. On the other hand, if a handler wishes it, he may request help with his gimmick in which case before he sees the active roster, management will help him create a viable gimmick. Original gimmicks will help your wrestler stand out from the crowd, and get the TV time he deserves.

Only truly original characters will be accepted into the ranks of the fed. No real wrestlers shall ever see the insides of the arena walls. Direct copies will also find their way to the rejection basket as well. We promote creativity as much as possible in all aspects of the fed from role-plays to pictures. Forget the WWE and just let your imagination take over.

Before sending the application below, insure that you read and fully understand the rules of the fed. This is a must for we have policies that you may have never encountered in an e-fed before. We will know whether or not you have read the rules by the questions you ask and the actions you take. That is, when things can get complicated so I urge you to read the rules completely before even thinking about applying.

With that said, its time to fill out the application. It would be easy to post a form to have people fill out quick applications. However, this is not what we have chosen to do. Instead, we want you to really think about your character and every question below. Send all applications to Underworld Sports Entertainment. They will be processed within 1 to 3 days. If you do not hear from us by then, re-apply or simply email us regarding the process of your character. Do not, I repeat, do not roleplay until you are told to do so. New characters will only be granted permission to roleplay upon the Monday following their acceptance. This, however, will all be explained in the acceptance email.

Copy/Paste the following into the application:

Handler Name:
Handler Age:
Email Address:
Past efedding experience:

Do you want help with your gimmick (if so, ignore all the areas below and just send in a few of your ideas. We will get back to you and help you out.):

Character Name:
Theme Music:
Manager Description
(does he cheat, interfere, etc?):
Wrestler Quote (this will be used in the random quote thingy on the main page of the UWS. Optional):
Requested Division (enter Free Agent if you would prefer to remain independent. Be sure you have read the rules and know the ramifications of being a Free Agent. Division status will just be a preference. You may be forced to remain a Free Agent until you can establish your character. By selecting a division in this field, you implicitly agree to signing a contract with that division if accepted):
Gimmick (a couple words that really describe what your character's gimmick and premise are all about):
Where did your character learn to wrestle? (This can be a real wrestling school or something made up):
Primary Wrestling Style (see below):
Secondary Wrestling Style (see below):

(For the above two questions some possible examples are; Power Wrestler, Martial Artist, Old School, Basic Brawler, Basic High Flyer, Technician, All Round Wrestler, Luchador, Submission Expert, Shoot Fighter, Experimental, Suplex Machine, Street Fighter, Technically Skilled Brawler, Daredevil High Flyer, Suicide Wrestler, Cheater, Pit Fighter, Mimic, Animal Mimic, Sumo, etc. You are not limited to the above choices as you can make up your own.)

Alignment (Heel, Face, Neutral, likable heel, Face with Edge, Insane. If you can think of something else then go for it. You can even use the old Dungeons and Dragons Alignments if you want to explain what you mean):
Character Entrance (Write down exactly what you want to be posted when your character arrives in the arena. However, do not predetermine the crowd's reaction.):

Character Description (What does he look like in and out of the ring? This will help flesh out matches involving your character. If the writers know what he looks like, there's a better chance that the readers will know what he looks like):

Character Background (What is his past? This can earn you important points for character development early on.):

Move list (At least 15 moves. Include all setup moves, poses, and signature moves. Remember to take into account everything you can be doing in the ring. Make sure the moves fit the character in every way and are balanced between low, mid, and high power. A wrestler with nothing but finishing moves in his arsenal will end up doing a lot of punching and kicking until he can wear down his opponent enough to perform one of his moves):

Finisher (Finishing move/s, and description/s):

Favorite Weapons (hardcore and gimmick matches will arise. So what do you arm yourself with?):
Anything else you want to add:

The following are a couple of questions that will aid us in utilizing your character on the shows to the best of your ability.
1) If you were challenged during the night of a show, would you accept that challenge on that show, and under what circumstances? What if you had already fought?
2) If you were attacked during the show and you know that your attacker had a match later on, what would you do?
3) If you can a chance to cheat to win a match, would you?
4) If you had a chance to interrupt a rivals match, would you, and under what circumstances? Before or after the match ended?
5) What does your character think about the management of the UWS?
6) If forced to team with someone you didn't want to team with, what would you do? What if you hated this person? What if you hated your opponents?
7) If forced to compete against somebody who was your friend, what would you do? What if he started to attack you mercilessly? What if he was holding back?
8) What would you do if a friend were being attacked in the ring or backstage? What if you had a match going on? What if there were too many people attacking him and you know that if you went you would suffer the same fate?
9) Are you the kind of guy who likes to take the mic and voice your opinions before a match?

Last but not least are the two things that will decide your future in the UWS. First is the contract. By signing this contract you hereby grant 10% of creative control to the UWS. This allows us to use your character in storylines and on the shows where you may not have complete control over what is going on, but it will be for the best interest of the fed. If you choose not to sign a contract then you will be limited to dark matches and your own challenges only. No storylines you submit will be accepted unless you sign a contract. Do you wish to sign a contract?

The UWS currently has a sort of "open door" policy. We give handlers the benefit of the doubt, so we don't require a sample roleplay. Everyone will be given a chance, but your wrestler will not be added to the roster until he finally makes an impact on the fed. (ie, roleplays) If the current roster reaches a certain point, we will have to cancel this policy, so be sure to check this page if you're not sure.

All the above details will be your character's "starting" gimmick. We realize that wrestlers need to grow and change as time goes by, so you won't be held to these details. The section of the application that refers to how your character will respond to certain actions should be kept up to date with any gimmick changes. Eg, if your character becomes a heel, he may have a very different plan of attack for matches booked on the fly. And if at any time you want some suggestions as to character changes, just contact one of the presidents.

That's it. If you are accepted you will here from us within 1 to 3 days. DO NOT become active on the fed until you are told to do so. Again, send the above application to Underworld Sports Entertainment. (if you are not using your default mail program, right-click and select "copy shortcut" to be sure and get both email addresses) Also, we post some information about all handlers on our Contacts page. Please note in the application if you want certain details (like Email address) kept off the Contacts page.


Email the Prez

All contents © copyright 2001-03 UWS Industries, except where otherwise specified.