• May 30, 2004 - THE UWS IS REOPENING!!! (forgive the caps) The fed will be completely different. Go HERE and bookmark it. UWS 2.0 will unfold over the coming weeks.
  • July 24, 2003 - Rankings and Title History have been brought up to date. Got a few changes and modifications to make on the Roster page. Should be done soon. Oh, and if you don't know who that weird lookin' guy is, then you haven't read the card well enough. :)
  • July 23, 2003 - Here's Blackened! I'm well aware that the Roster and Rankings are terribly out of date, but that's next on my list. Expect some changes to the next show's lineup in the next day or so.
  • July 3, 2003 - Sweet Jebus, it's been too long. Fool's Gold is finished and posted!!! It's all in 1 file now, but I left in the Continued markers in case you want to jump to where we left off. I'll be back in another month and a half for Blackened. (just kidding)
  • May 17, 2003 - Finally got around to updating the Rankings and Title History pages for a few old shows. There will be a Roster overhaul once Fool's Gold is finished. We are long overdue.
  • May 17, 2003 - The first half of Fool's Gold III is up!!! I haven't decided yet if Blackened is going ahead yet, or if it'll be delayed further. Keep an eye on the OOC board for details.
  • Apr. 28, 2003 - Blackened is up!!! (almost on time!) Once you're finished with it, mosey on over to the Announcement Board for a post that will... A) rundown the lineup for our next show, "Fool's Gold III", and B) ROCK THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE WRESTLING WORLD!!! Hehehe, that got you wondering didn't it?
  • Apr. 14, 2003 - Two shows in 3 days, AND WE ARE NOW UP TO DATE!!! Make sure you've already read the Iron Man PPV first, but here's the newest Blackened! (it's sloppy and short, but at least it's up) After you're done there, the lineup for the next Blackened is on the Announcement Board.
  • Apr. 12, 2003 - Rankings and Title History have been updated.
  • Apr. 11, 2003 - Almost a month late, but here it is! The Iron Man 2003 PPV is finally finished! The entire show is now in one file, but I've left in those "--Continued--" markers, so you can do a Find on that if you want to jump to the last part. Check out the OOC board for details on upcoming cards, and I'll be putting up a lineup sometime tomorrow when I figure out the last match for Blackened #11. Expect the usual site updates regarding win/losses and title changes over the next few days. I definitely need a catchphrase like Firky. Excelsior! (nah, that doesn't work)
  • Apr. 9, 2003 - PPV is nearing completion! I've combined Round 1 and Round 2 into a single file, so I'll be adding the last of the show to this page when it's ready. The link is on the Cards page.
  • Feb. 15, 2003 - It's official! UWSWRESTLING.COM and UWSWRESTLING.CO.UK are now part of the Underworld Wrestling Syndicate family! For the time being, the site will continue to be hosted by Tripod. The new domains will just URL forward to the free site. I'll be keeping an eye out for reasonably priced hosting in an effort to get rid of these popup ads once and for all, but don't hold your breath. I'm still a po-ass trying to pay off my student loans. :)




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