Who is this Naked Superstar?

In what is sure to be one of the 7 signs of the apocalypse, I have taken an idea from Stu to do this goofy Naked Superstar game. So, every so often I will dig into my pile of porn and whip out a pic, disguise it using the most sophisticated computer techniques available, then post it here. You guys can then look at it and try to guess just who it is. Post your guesses on the official thread for the current edition of Naked Superstar. It should be titled, "Naked Superstar - [date of contest]." Only post your guesses in this thread, and don't post more than one (1) guess per day.

As soon as someone guesses correctly, the competition is closed until the next pic goes up. If no one guesses after a given timeframe, then I'll let you all know who it was. If, after a couple of days no one gets it, I will add a clue underneath the image. What do you win? How about the respect of your peers? (yeah, that should do it) Enjoy, ya goofballs.

October 19, 2002

Answer: Traci Lords


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